Confession & Thanks


p byers

Good Morning Folks
This post has several purposes . . ..

1. To confess my ignorance;
2. To thank PapaJohn and John Inzer;
3. Maybe to stop others making the same mistake as me.

For ages, I have been producing, playing and distributing AVI files.

I knew nothing about the segmentation that occurs in the background.

I then fell across Windows Movie Maker - I love it
Thank you Mr Gates et al !!

I made two postings ealier
"Am I correct" and

I imported AVIs - I was so dim, it never occured to me that I had to
use all of the segments.
Its obvious when a little thought is applied !!
And whooppeeee - it works like a dream !!


Thanks to the two MVPs for their patient help in the face of my
monumental stupidity - they are life savers

Maybe this information may help the odd other person who is as dim
as me - I hope

Take care
Pete (Northolt UK)

John Inzer

p said:
Good Morning Folks
This post has several purposes . . ..

1. To confess my ignorance;
2. To thank PapaJohn and John Inzer;
3. Maybe to stop others making the same mistake as me.

For ages, I have been producing, playing and distributing
AVI files.

I knew nothing about the segmentation that occurs in the

I then fell across Windows Movie Maker - I love it
Thank you Mr Gates et al !!

I made two postings ealier
"Am I correct" and

I imported AVIs - I was so dim, it never occured to me
that I had to use all of the segments.
Its obvious when a little thought is applied !!
And whooppeeee - it works like a dream !!


Thanks to the two MVPs for their patient help in the face
of my monumental stupidity - they are life savers

Maybe this information may help the odd other person who
is as dim as me - I hope

Take care
Pete (Northolt UK)
No problem...glad you have it sorted out.

Now...go make some great movies :blush:)


******John Inzer********
**MS Picture It! MVP**

*****Digital Image******
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