conducting a count on unknown number of records



Hi, I have the relatively simple code below to conduct a count of uniquely
identified records in excel spreadsheet:

count = 1
name = "simple_excel_export_table"
numrows = 19
For s = 2 To numrows
With Worksheets(name)
cellb = .Cells(s, 1).Value
cella = .Cells(s + 1, 1).Value
If cella > cellb Then
count = count + 1
End If
End With
Next s

For example, this code on the following spreadsheet would result in a count
of 4 (there are many more columns in my spreadsheet, this is just a sample):

ID UserSiteID
1 61051
1 61051
1 61051
1 61051
1 61051
2 61050
2 61050
2 61050
3 61048
3 61048
3 61048
3 61048
3 61048
4 61043
4 61043
4 61043
4 61043
4 61043
4 61043

however, this code is to be run on multiple sheets with different amounts of
records from sheet to sheet. How can I enhance the code to assign the proper
number of records, or rows, to the "numrows" variable for each spreadsheet,
without having to manually go change the number assigned to "numrows" each
time? Or is there a better way to do this?? any help appreciated

Tom Ogilvy

Change Col to point to the column you want to check. This assumes there are
no blank cells in the data in the column.

Sub countunique()
Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range
Dim sStr As String
Dim sForm As String
Dim col As Long
col = 2
For Each sh In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
Set rng = sh.Range(sh.Cells(2, col), _
sh.Cells(Rows.Count, col).End(xlUp))
sStr = "'" & rng.Parent.Name & "'!" & _
rng.Address(0, 0, xlA1, False)
sForm = "SUM(1/COUNTIF(" & sStr & "," & _
sStr & "))"
num = Evaluate(sForm)
Debug.Print sh.Name, col, num
End Sub

See the result in the immediate window of the VBE.


Hi Tom

This looks like a very neat way of doing this calculation so I was playing
around with it to make sure I understand how it works.

I was getting strange results (no matter how much data I had on the sheet
the range evaluated was always B2:B3). I then changed the sheet name but
noticed in the immediate window that the name printed was still Sheet1.

Changing the line:
For Each sh In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
For Each sh In Workbooks("MyWorkBookName").Worksheets
fixed the problem and now it works fine.

I have no other workbook open. Any ideas how this was happening?


Tom Ogilvy

Thisworkbook refers to the workbook that contains the code. If you only
have one workbook open, then that should be the workbook containing the


thanx for the response.

When I run the code I get the error "variable not defined" on the "num"
variable, in the line of code: "num = evaluate (sForm)". I am not sure what
to define num, although I think it is a integer or other type of number.
So I tried to define it as a integer, then I ran it. When I did that I got a
"type mismatch" on the same line of code for "(sForm)". I am not sure what
is up so any help would be appreciated. thanx

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