Conditionally format cells

  • Thread starter Jose Ruben Gonzalez-Baird
  • Start date

Jose Ruben Gonzalez-Baird

I am trying to conditionally format a cell so that, if the value of one cell
is the same as the values in other cells, the formatting of that cell will be
specified a certain way. For instance, I want to check to see if the value
of cell E3 equals value A3. If E3=A3, then I want the formatting of cell E3
to be set such that the shading is a light yellow. Is this possible and if
so is anyone familiar with the syntax?

Thanks for any suggestions. J Ruben.


I am trying to conditionally format a cell so that, if the value of one cell
is the same as the values in other cells, the formatting of that cell willbe
specified a certain way.  For instance, I want to check to see if the value
of cell E3 equals value A3.  If E3=A3, then I want the formatting of cell E3
to be set such that the shading is a light yellow.  Is this possible andif
so is anyone familiar with the syntax?

Thanks for any suggestions. J Ruben.

go to tools/conditional formatting/ drop down "Cell Value Is" and
select "Formula is" and enter =$E$3=$A$3, select shade formatting for
the cell. and click ok.

Gord Dibben

Without programming..............

Select E3 and Format>Conditional Formatting>Formula is:

=E3=A3 Format to light yellow and OK your way out.

Programming would be similar

Sub format_it()
With ActiveSheet
If .Range("E3").Value = .Range("A3").Value Then
.Range("E3").Interior.ColorIndex = 36
End If
End With
End Sub

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

Jose Ruben Gonzalez-Baird

Thanks so much for the reply.

Where would that subroutine go? Within the VBA module of the current file?

J Ruben

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