Conditionally Fill a sheet row if cell value in another sheet >0



I am not sure is this is a function or a simple formula set.

My Sheet 1 "Inventory" has 150 rows of item data with column 2 ("B")
holding an inventory amount .... either 0/empty or a value > 0

I would like to populate rows of another fresh Sheet (Sheet 2) only if
Sheet1 Col "B" > 0
(i.e. there is inventory of that item)


(I can do this with AutoFilter... but it requires an intermediate sheet for
my work...and confuses our "sharing" of I am looking for a
formula, or if needed a function)

Roger Govier

Hi Scot

Try entering in Cell A1 of Sheet2
and in Cell B1 of Sheet2
Copy A1:B1 down through A2:A150

If you want to get rid of the blank rows, Mark the whole range of data and
Sort on column A. This will move the blank rows to below the rows with data.
If the order is important and needs to be preserved, then before carrying
out the sort, enter 1 in C1, 2 in C2, mark both cells and use the fill
handle to drag down to row 150 and create a series from 1 to 150.
After performing the sort as above, delete the numbers in column C in the
blank rows below your data, then sort the data again by column C to return
it to the previous order. You can then delete column C


Thanks.. worked perfectly...

When I share (track) the Workbook now.. there is 3 seconds of "Calculating:
100%" that never appeared before. Then the sheet displays... If I turn off
tracking loads normally...

This delay in loading is new...since the formula ...

Anyway thanks for the solution! Works great...!!!
now if I could figure out why sharing this new sheet slows the load down
from0 secs to 4 secs!

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