Conditional select range



Hi there,

I have no VBA-knowledge whatshowever.
I was wondering if the following would be possible:

In A2:A500 I have names filled in: Bob, Jen, Tom ,....

Can I select Cells in column H:K when "Jen" is in that row?

A10 = "Jen" select range H10:K10
A67 = "Jen" select range H67:K67

and every other "row-"range when my name appears in the first Column?

(Would it be possible to match the range (A2:A500) with a name I give
in in an Inputbox? SO that I do not have to change the name every time
in the code itself?)
Hm many questions...

All help really appreciated!!


are we talking multiple selects? if so, how many? once selected....then what?

Hm many questions...


Bob Phillips

Sub SelectCells()
On Error Resume Next
iRow = Application.Match("Jen",Columns(1),0)
On Error Goto 0
If iRow > 0 Then
End If
End Sub



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)


This will do the selection, but unless you add some
code, where the MsgBox is, all it will do is walk down
Column A doing selections and nothing else.

lr = Cells(Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For Each i In Range("A2:A" & lr)
If i = "Jan" Then
Range ("H" & i & ":K" & i).Select
End If
MsgBox "H Through K of this row selected"


I gave you some bad code there:

lr = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 2 To lr
If Cells(i, 1) = "Jen" Then
Range(Cells(i, 8), Cells(i, 11)).Select
End If
MsgBox "Cells H through K selected this row"

This will work a lot better. It assumes a header row 1.


I gave you some bad code there:

lr = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 2 To lr
If Cells(i, 1) = "Jen" Then
Range(Cells(i, 8), Cells(i, 11)).Select
End If
MsgBox "Cells H through K selected this row"

This will work a lot better. It assumes a header row 1.

- Show quoted text -

Hi All,

Thank you so much for your help!
I was hoping though that I could have a multiple selection though ...
So that all my instances of "Jen" found in the first column would
select all the ranges in column H:K, instead of just the first
instance found?
You see I have difficulties to even properly describe what i
"want". :)
Hopefully this is possible?!

Thanks again, Jen

Dave Peterson

Have you thought about using Data|Filter|autofilter instead of selecting the
range? That way, your data will be visible and you won't have to do any

But if you want:

Option Explicit
Sub testme()

Dim myName As String
Dim RngToSearch As Range
Dim myFoundRng As Range
Dim FoundCell As Range
Dim FirstAddress As String

myName = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Enter a name")
If myName = "" Then
Exit Sub
End If

With ActiveSheet
Set RngToSearch = .Range("a:a")
End With

FirstAddress = ""
Set myFoundRng = Nothing
With RngToSearch
Set FoundCell = .Cells.Find(what:=myName, _
after:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), _
LookIn:=xlValues, _
lookat:=xlWhole, _
searchorder:=xlByRows, _
searchdirection:=xlNext, _

If FoundCell Is Nothing Then
MsgBox myName & " wasn't found!"
FirstAddress = FoundCell.Address
Set myFoundRng = FoundCell.Offset(0, 7).Resize(1, 4) 'columns H:K
Set FoundCell = .FindNext(after:=FoundCell)
If FoundCell.Address = FirstAddress Then
Exit Do
End If
Set myFoundRng = Union(myFoundRng, _
FoundCell.Offset(0, 7).Resize(1, 4))
End If
End With

End Sub


Have you thought about using Data|Filter|autofilter instead of selecting the
range? That way, your data will be visible and you won't have to do any

But if you want:

Option Explicit
Sub testme()

Dim myName As String
Dim RngToSearch As Range
Dim myFoundRng As Range
Dim FoundCell As Range
Dim FirstAddress As String

myName = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Enter a name")
If myName = "" Then
Exit Sub
End If

With ActiveSheet
Set RngToSearch = .Range("a:a")
End With

FirstAddress = ""
Set myFoundRng = Nothing
With RngToSearch
Set FoundCell = .Cells.Find(what:=myName, _
after:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), _
LookIn:=xlValues, _
lookat:=xlWhole, _
searchorder:=xlByRows, _
searchdirection:=xlNext, _

If FoundCell Is Nothing Then
MsgBox myName & " wasn't found!"
FirstAddress = FoundCell.Address
Set myFoundRng = FoundCell.Offset(0, 7).Resize(1, 4) 'columns H:K
Set FoundCell = .FindNext(after:=FoundCell)
If FoundCell.Address = FirstAddress Then
Exit Do
End If
Set myFoundRng = Union(myFoundRng, _
FoundCell.Offset(0, 7).Resize(1, 4))
End If
End With

End Sub


Dave Peterson- Hide quoted text -

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Hi Dave,

That's exactly what it should do! A charm!

There is 1 more thing though ....

What I wanted to do is:
1. I copy a cell with a number eg. 5
2. then run the macro to select my cells
3. Paste Special> Operation Multiply on the cells your macro selected.

But it seems that when I run the macro... my copied value does not
retain in teh memory...?
Would it be possible to keep that?
(or could the macro at the end of the selection process prompt me for
a value to multiply it with?)

Hope you can help once again!! :)

Dave Peterson

Are you trying to paste special|add a value in a cell or are you trying to
increment that range by an amount you want to enter--like the way you entered
the name?

I guessed that you wanted to specify the value--not the cell:

Option Explicit
Sub testme()

Dim myName As String
Dim RngToSearch As Range
Dim myFoundRng As Range
Dim FoundCell As Range
Dim FirstAddress As String
Dim DummyCell As Range
Dim QtyToAdd As Double

myName = InputBox(Prompt:="Enter a name")
If myName = "" Then
Exit Sub
End If

QtyToAdd = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Enter a quantity to add", Type:=1)
If QtyToAdd = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If

With ActiveSheet
Set RngToSearch = .Range("a:a")
Set DummyCell = .Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Offset(1, 1)
End With

FirstAddress = ""
Set myFoundRng = Nothing
With RngToSearch
Set FoundCell = .Cells.Find(what:=myName, _
after:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), _
LookIn:=xlValues, _
lookat:=xlWhole, _
searchorder:=xlByRows, _
searchdirection:=xlNext, _

If FoundCell Is Nothing Then
MsgBox myName & " wasn't found!"
FirstAddress = FoundCell.Address
Set myFoundRng = FoundCell.Offset(0, 7).Resize(1, 4) 'columns H:K
Set FoundCell = .FindNext(after:=FoundCell)
If FoundCell.Address = FirstAddress Then
Exit Do
End If
Set myFoundRng = Union(myFoundRng, _
FoundCell.Offset(0, 7).Resize(1, 4))
With DummyCell
.Value = QtyToAdd
End With
myFoundRng.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, _
'no need to select unless you really want
End If
End With

End Sub


Are you trying to paste special|add a value in a cell or are you trying to
increment that range by an amount you want to enter--like the way you entered
the name?

I guessed that you wanted to specify the value--not the cell:

Option Explicit
Sub testme()

Dim myName As String
Dim RngToSearch As Range
Dim myFoundRng As Range
Dim FoundCell As Range
Dim FirstAddress As String
Dim DummyCell As Range
Dim QtyToAdd As Double

myName = InputBox(Prompt:="Enter a name")
If myName = "" Then
Exit Sub
End If

QtyToAdd = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Enter a quantity to add", Type:=1)
If QtyToAdd = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If

With ActiveSheet
Set RngToSearch = .Range("a:a")
Set DummyCell = .Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Offset(1, 1)
End With

FirstAddress = ""
Set myFoundRng = Nothing
With RngToSearch
Set FoundCell = .Cells.Find(what:=myName, _
after:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), _
LookIn:=xlValues, _
lookat:=xlWhole, _
searchorder:=xlByRows, _
searchdirection:=xlNext, _

If FoundCell Is Nothing Then
MsgBox myName & " wasn't found!"
FirstAddress = FoundCell.Address
Set myFoundRng = FoundCell.Offset(0, 7).Resize(1, 4) 'columns H:K
Set FoundCell = .FindNext(after:=FoundCell)
If FoundCell.Address = FirstAddress Then
Exit Do
End If
Set myFoundRng = Union(myFoundRng, _
FoundCell.Offset(0, 7).Resize(1, 4))
With DummyCell
.Value = QtyToAdd
End With
myFoundRng.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, _
'no need to select unless you really want
End If
End With

End Sub

Jen wrote:


Dave Peterson- Hide quoted text -

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Fantastic Dave,
You're my hero!
You've made my weekend!

Cheers, sooooo :))))))))


Fantastic Dave,
You're my hero!
You've made my weekend!

Cheers, sooooo :))))))))- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Hi Dave,

I have been tampering a little bit around with your code and made some
small adjustments which I Googled in teh newsgroup here.
I would love to change still something on it:

Sub testme()
Dim myName As String
Dim OffsetToRight As String
Dim nrColumnsToSelect As String
Dim RngToSearch As Range
Dim myFoundRng As Range
Dim FoundCell As Range
Dim FirstAddress As String
Dim QtyToMultiply As Double
Dim DummyCell As Range

On Error Resume Next
myName = Application.InputBox(prompt:="SELECT or write the
''name'' in the range that has to match?")
If myName = "" Then
Exit Sub
End If

With ActiveSheet
Set RngToSearch = Application.InputBox("Where is the range to
apply the search on?", Type:=8)
Set DummyCell
= .Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Offset(1, 1)
End With

OffsetToRight = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Start selection how
many columns to the right?", Type:=1)
nrColumnsToSelect = Application.InputBox(prompt:="How many columns
to select?", Type:=1)

QtyToMultiply = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Enter or Select the
number to MULTIPLY with", Type:=1)
If QtyToMultiply = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If

FirstAddress = ""
Set myFoundRng = Nothing
With RngToSearch
Set FoundCell = .Cells.Find(what:=myName, _
after:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), _
LookIn:=xlValues, _
lookat:=xlWhole, _
searchorder:=xlByRows, _
searchdirection:=xlNext, _

If FoundCell Is Nothing Then
MsgBox myName & " wasn't found!"
FirstAddress = FoundCell.Address
Set myFoundRng = FoundCell.Offset(0,
OffsetToRight).Resize(1, nrColumnsToSelect)

Set FoundCell = .FindNext(after:=FoundCell)
If FoundCell.Address = FirstAddress Then
Exit Do
End If
Set myFoundRng = Union(myFoundRng, _
OffsetToRight).Resize(1, nrColumnsToSelect))

With DummyCell
.Value = QtyToMultiply
End With
myFoundRng.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, _

End If
End With

End Sub

Would it be possible that you SUGGEST in the inputbox a certain range
already? eg from G5:Till_Last_Row_In_G-_column?

Set RngToSearch = Application.InputBox("Where is the range to apply
the search on?", Type:=8)

I think I am going completely overboard here but I love to see what's
possible and what not...
I start to really like VBA :)))

Dave Peterson

If you know that the range is always in column G, but the number of rows vary,
you could use something like:

Option Explicit
Sub testme()

Dim RngToSearch As Range
Dim myDefaultRng As Range

With ActiveSheet
Set myDefaultRng = .Range("G5", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "G").End(xlUp))
End With

Set RngToSearch = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set RngToSearch = Application.InputBox _
("Where is the range to apply the search on?", _
Default:=myDefaultRng.Address(external:=True), Type:=8)
On Error GoTo 0

If RngToSearch Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub 'user hit cancel
End If

'you may not want this portion
With RngToSearch
Set RngToSearch = Intersect(.Areas(1).EntireRow, .Parent.Range("g:g"))
End With

MsgBox RngToSearch.Address(external:=True)
End Sub


If you know that the range is always in column G, but the number of rows vary,
you could use something like:

Option Explicit
Sub testme()

Dim RngToSearch As Range
Dim myDefaultRng As Range

With ActiveSheet
Set myDefaultRng = .Range("G5", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "G").End(xlUp))
End With

Set RngToSearch = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set RngToSearch = Application.InputBox _
("Where is the range to apply the search on?", _
On Error GoTo 0

If RngToSearch Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub 'user hit cancel
End If

'you may not want this portion
With RngToSearch
Set RngToSearch = Intersect(.Areas(1).EntireRow, .Parent.Range("g:g"))
End With

MsgBox RngToSearch.Address(external:=True)
End Sub


Dave Peterson- Hide quoted text -

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Man, man, man,
This is just A W E S O M E! ...
Nothing but respect! Thanks for the help ...!!
I am sure I´ll be hung up on VBA for a while...probably ´coming back
with more crazy questions :))


If you know that the range is always in column G, but the number of rows vary,
you could use something like:

Option Explicit
Sub testme()

Dim RngToSearch As Range
Dim myDefaultRng As Range

With ActiveSheet
Set myDefaultRng = .Range("G5", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "G").End(xlUp))
End With

Set RngToSearch = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set RngToSearch = Application.InputBox _
("Where is the range to apply the search on?", _
Default:=myDefaultRng.Address(external:=True), Type:=8)
On Error GoTo 0

If RngToSearch Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub 'user hit cancel
End If

'you may not want this portion
With RngToSearch
Set RngToSearch = Intersect(.Areas(1).EntireRow, .Parent.Range("g:g"))
End With

MsgBox RngToSearch.Address(external:=True)
End Sub


Dave Peterson- Hide quoted text -

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Hi Dave,

I think to have understoood your code more or less.
Just your last part I do not get fully.

'you may not want this portion
With RngToSearch
Set RngToSearch =
Intersect(.Areas(1).EntireRow, .Parent.Range("A:A"))
End With

What does it do?


Dave Peterson

The with/end with is a nice way to save typing. Each properties/methods that
starts with a dot belongs to the object in that With statement.

You can select multiple areas in that application.inputbox--just like selecting
a range, then ctrl-clicking on another range. rngtosearch.Areas(1) is the first
area--just in case the user selected multiple areas.

So rngtosearch.areas(1).entirerow is the equivalent of selecting a single range
(manually), then hitting the shift-spacebar (all the columns in that area's rows
are selected).

rngtosearch.parent is the worksheet that owns that range. (The .parent of the
worksheet is the workbook. The .parent of the workbook is the application.) is the workbook's name

And rngtosearch.parent.range("a:a") is column A of that worksheet.

Intersect(rng1, rng2) is just the cells that are common to both.

Since you're using the whole row (.entirerow) and the whole column
(.range("a:A")), you know that there is an intersection. It's the stuff in
column A that's also in the rows that were selected.

If you know that you want stuff out of column A, you could use this to let the
user select the rows--and they won't have to worry about being careful enough to
select column A--your code does that part.

ps. You changed from G:G to A:A. Was that on purpose?


The with/end with is a nice way to save typing. Each properties/methods that
starts with a dot belongs to the object in that With statement.

You can select multiple areas in that application.inputbox--just like selecting
a range, then ctrl-clicking on another range. rngtosearch.Areas(1) is the first
area--just in case the user selected multiple areas.

So rngtosearch.areas(1).entirerow is the equivalent of selecting a single range
(manually), then hitting the shift-spacebar (all the columns in that area's rows
are selected).

rngtosearch.parent is the worksheet that owns that range. (The .parent of the
worksheet is the workbook. The .parent of the workbook is the application.) is the workbook's name

And rngtosearch.parent.range("a:a") is column A of that worksheet.

Intersect(rng1, rng2) is just the cells that are common to both.

Since you're using the whole row (.entirerow) and the whole column
(.range("a:A")), you know that there is an intersection. It's the stuff in
column A that's also in the rows that were selected.

If you know that you want stuff out of column A, you could use this to let the
user select the rows--and they won't have to worry about being careful enough to
select column A--your code does that part.

ps. You changed from G:G to A:A. Was that on purpose?

Jen wrote:


Dave Peterson- Hide quoted text -

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Hi Dave,

-THANK you SOO much for the explanation. Sounds "logic", but it is
deviously cool!!!

-I am toying around with the VBA on some "practise" sheets, where I
practise on column A. I will apply it in the end on column G in my
"real live" file.

Anyway, I "advanced" a bit further on your code and this is my result:

Sub MultiplyValuesCombination()
Dim myDefaultRng As Range
Dim RngToSearch As Range, HLookupRange As Range
Dim ConvRange As Range, v As Variant
Dim cell As Variant
Dim cell1 As Variant
Dim OffsetToRight As Variant
Dim nrColumnsToSelect As Variant
Dim myDefaultHLOOKUPRng As Range

With ActiveSheet
Set myDefaultRng = .Range("A5", .Cells(.Rows.Count,
End With

Set RngToSearch = Nothing
On Error Resume Next

Set RngToSearch = Application.InputBox _
("Where is the range to apply the search on?",
On Error GoTo 0
If RngToSearch Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub 'user hit cancel
End If

OffsetToRight = Application.InputBox _
("Start selection how many columns to the
Right?", _
Default:=4, Type:=1)
On Error GoTo 0
If OffsetToRight = False Then
Exit Sub 'user hit cancel
End If

nrColumnsToSelect = Application.InputBox _
("HOW MANY Columns to select?", _
Default:=5, Type:=1)
On Error GoTo 0
If nrColumnsToSelect = False Then
Exit Sub 'user hit cancel
End If

'you may not want this portion
With RngToSearch
Set RngToSearch =
Intersect(.Areas(1).EntireRow, .Parent.Range("A:A"))
End With

'MsgBox RngToSearch.Address(external:=True)

'On Error Resume Next
Set myDefaultHLOOKUPRng = Range("conv")
Set HLookupRange = Application.InputBox _
("Where is the range with the CONVERSION
RATIOS (Max 2rows & ratio in 2nd!)?", _

Default:=myDefaultHLOOKUPRng.Address(external:=True), Type:=8)
On Error GoTo 0
If HLookupRange Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub 'user hit cancel
End If

For Each cell In RngToSearch
v = Application.HLookup(cell, HLookupRange, 2, 0)
If Not IsError(v) Then
If IsNumeric(v) Then
Set ConvRng = cell.Offset(0, OffsetToRight).Resize(1,
For Each cell1 In ConvRng
cell1.Value = cell1.Value * v
Next cell1
End If
End If
Next cell
End Sub

I have a question related with this part:
Set myDefaultHLOOKUPRng = Range("conv")
Set HLookupRange = Application.InputBox _
("Where is the range with the CONVERSION
RATIOS (Max 2rows & ratio in 2nd!)?", _

Default:=myDefaultHLOOKUPRng.Address(external:=True), Type:=8)
On Error GoTo 0
If HLookupRange Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub 'user hit cancel
End If

Normally the ranged Name "conv" DOES exist ... but in case it does NOT
I would just like to select the range but now it errs out!
If I put an "On error resume next" above it, it will just exit the
sub ... but I would like that I can still select my range although the
"conv" name does not exist.

I have repeated plenty of code blocks. I assume that could be written
in a neater way ...?
(Well, "for a first day in the office"... ;) )

The "On error goto 0" are all over the place eg. ... do I need them?
what it means?

Jen, first day on VBA :)

Dave Peterson

(Top posted on purpose <vbg>)

First, when you ran your code (with "Option Explicit" at the top, it wouldn't
run, right?

You declared ConvRange as a range, but later in your code, you used ConvRng. In
this case, it probably wouldn't have mattered--since you used convrng
consistently after that. But if you had used ConvRange somewhere else and
really wanted to use whatever ConvRng was holding, it may have taken a while to
find that bug.

By using "Option Explcit", you must declare your variables. It seems like more
work at the beginning, but you'll soon find the benefits are too great not to do
this. (intellisense and autocomplete always help me.)

Next, you'll see lots of code posted on these newsgroups that look like:

Dim myObject as someobject 'not real objects--just showing the syntax

set myObject = nothing
on error resume next
'the next line can cause an error, but I know that.
'So Ms. VBA, don't bother blowing up or telling me about it!
set myObject = someobjecthere
'I'm done with the line that could cause the error.
'Ms. VBA, please go back to handling all errors until I tell you otherwise.
'And that's just the syntax that gives back error handling to excel.
On error goto 0

'Test to see if it was successful:
if myObject is nothing then
'that previous Set failed and what I was looking for doesn't exist.
'yep, it was there
end if

For example:

dim testwks as worksheet
'...a bunch of code here

set testwks = nothing
on error resume next
set testwks = activeworkbook.worksheets("Jen's Worksheet")
on error goto 0

if testwks is nothing then
msgbox "that worksheet doesn't exist!
msgbox testwks.range("a1").value 'just doing something
end if

This is how I changed your code:

Option Explicit
Sub MultiplyValuesCombination()

'I like one line per variable. I find that I can find/fix things quicker.
'but that's a personal preference only.

Dim myDefaultRng As Range
Dim RngToSearch As Range
Dim HLookupRange As Range
Dim ConvRng As Range
Dim v As Variant
Dim cell As Variant
Dim cell1 As Variant
Dim OffsetToRight As Variant
Dim nrColumnsToSelect As Variant
Dim myDefaultHLOOKUPRng As Range

With ActiveSheet
Set myDefaultRng = .Range("A5", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp))
End With

Set RngToSearch = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set RngToSearch = Application.InputBox _
("Where is the range to apply the search on?", _
Default:=myDefaultRng.Address(external:=True), _
On Error GoTo 0
If RngToSearch Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub 'user hit cancel
End If

OffsetToRight = Application.InputBox _
("Start selection how many columns to the Right?", _
Default:=4, Type:=1)
If OffsetToRight = False Then
Exit Sub 'user hit cancel
End If

nrColumnsToSelect = Application.InputBox _
("HOW MANY Columns to select?", _
Default:=5, Type:=1)
If nrColumnsToSelect = False Then
Exit Sub 'user hit cancel
End If

With RngToSearch
Set RngToSearch = Intersect(.Areas(1).EntireRow, .Parent.Range("A:A"))
End With

Set myDefaultHLOOKUPRng = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
'I added the activesheet here!
Set myDefaultHLOOKUPRng = ActiveSheet.Range("conv")
On Error GoTo 0

If myDefaultHLOOKUPRng Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If

Set HLookupRange = Application.InputBox _
("Where is the range with the" & _
" CONVERSION RATIOS (Max 2rows & ratio in 2nd!)?", _
Default:=myDefaultHLOOKUPRng.Address(external:=True), Type:=8)

If HLookupRange Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub 'user hit cancel
End If

For Each cell In RngToSearch
v = Application.HLookup(cell, HLookupRange, 2, 0)
If Not IsError(v) Then
If IsNumeric(v) Then
Set ConvRng _
= cell.Offset(0, OffsetToRight).Resize(1, nrColumnsToSelect)
'I like convrng.cells, but in most cases it won't matter.
'but being explicit is nicer than not
For Each cell1 In ConvRng.Cells
cell1.Value = cell1.Value * v
Next cell1
End If
End If
Next cell
End Sub

Right now you're asking the user 4 questions. That's stretching the limits of
clicking ok for me.

Imagine if you had to answer each of the settings under File|Page setup by using
an inputbox. The way you'd clean this kind of stuff up is to design a userform
that can ask those same questions. In fact, for the questions that return
numbers, you could use a scrollbar or spinner or even a textbox if you wanted.

Someday (probably not day one!), you'll want to learn how to do this.

Check Debra Dalgleish's site:

and these articles by Peter:

And when you think you want to look at books...

Debra Dalgleish has a list of books at her site:

John Walkenbach's is a nice one to start with.

See if you can find them in your local bookstore/internet site and you can
choose what one you like best.

Jen wrote:


(Top posted on purpose <vbg>)

First, when you ran your code (with "Option Explicit" at the top, it wouldn't
run, right?

You declared ConvRange as a range, but later in your code, you used ConvRng. In
this case, it probably wouldn't have mattered--since you used convrng
consistently after that. But if you had used ConvRange somewhere else and
really wanted to use whatever ConvRng was holding, it may have taken a while to
find that bug.

By using "Option Explcit", you must declare your variables. It seems like more
work at the beginning, but you'll soon find the benefits are too great not to do
this. (intellisense and autocomplete always help me.)

Next, you'll see lots of code posted on these newsgroups that look like:

Dim myObject as someobject 'not real objects--just showing the syntax

set myObject = nothing
on error resume next
'the next line can cause an error, but I know that.
'So Ms. VBA, don't bother blowing up or telling me about it!
set myObject = someobjecthere
'I'm done with the line that could cause the error.
'Ms. VBA, please go back to handling all errors until I tell you otherwise.
'And that's just the syntax that gives back error handling to excel.
On error goto 0

'Test to see if it was successful:
if myObject is nothing then
'that previous Set failed and what I was looking for doesn't exist.
'yep, it was there
end if

For example:

dim testwks as worksheet
'...a bunch of code here

set testwks = nothing
on error resume next
set testwks = activeworkbook.worksheets("Jen's Worksheet")
on error goto 0

if testwks is nothing then
msgbox "that worksheet doesn't exist!
msgbox testwks.range("a1").value 'just doing something
end if

This is how I changed your code:

Option Explicit
Sub MultiplyValuesCombination()

'I like one line per variable. I find that I can find/fix things quicker.
'but that's a personal preference only.

Dim myDefaultRng As Range
Dim RngToSearch As Range
Dim HLookupRange As Range
Dim ConvRng As Range
Dim v As Variant
Dim cell As Variant
Dim cell1 As Variant
Dim OffsetToRight As Variant
Dim nrColumnsToSelect As Variant
Dim myDefaultHLOOKUPRng As Range

With ActiveSheet
Set myDefaultRng = .Range("A5", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp))
End With

Set RngToSearch = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set RngToSearch = Application.InputBox _
("Where is the range to apply the search on?", _
Default:=myDefaultRng.Address(external:=True), _
On Error GoTo 0
If RngToSearch Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub 'user hit cancel
End If

OffsetToRight = Application.InputBox _
("Start selection how many columns to the Right?", _
Default:=4, Type:=1)
If OffsetToRight = False Then
Exit Sub 'user hit cancel
End If

nrColumnsToSelect = Application.InputBox _
("HOW MANY Columns to select?", _
Default:=5, Type:=1)
If nrColumnsToSelect = False Then
Exit Sub 'user hit cancel
End If

With RngToSearch
Set RngToSearch = Intersect(.Areas(1).EntireRow, .Parent.Range("A:A"))
End With

Set myDefaultHLOOKUPRng = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
'I added the activesheet here!
Set myDefaultHLOOKUPRng = ActiveSheet.Range("conv")
On Error GoTo 0

If myDefaultHLOOKUPRng Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If

Set HLookupRange = Application.InputBox _
("Where is the range with the" & _
" CONVERSION RATIOS (Max 2rows & ratio in 2nd!)?", _
Default:=myDefaultHLOOKUPRng.Address(external:=True), Type:=8)

If HLookupRange Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub 'user hit cancel
End If

For Each cell In RngToSearch
v = Application.HLookup(cell, HLookupRange, 2, 0)
If Not IsError(v) Then
If IsNumeric(v) Then
Set ConvRng _
= cell.Offset(0, OffsetToRight).Resize(1, nrColumnsToSelect)
'I like convrng.cells, but in most cases it won't matter.
'but being explicit is nicer than not
For Each cell1 In ConvRng.Cells
cell1.Value = cell1.Value * v
Next cell1
End If
End If
Next cell
End Sub

Right now you're asking the user 4 questions. That's stretching the limits of
clicking ok for me.

Imagine if you had to answer each of the settings under File|Page setup by using
an inputbox. The way you'd clean this kind of stuff up is to design a userform
that can ask those same questions. In fact, for the questions that return
numbers, you could use a scrollbar or spinner or even a textbox if you wanted.

Someday (probably not day one!), you'll want to learn how to do this.

Check Debra Dalgleish's site:

and these articles by Peter:

And when you think you want to look at books...

Debra Dalgleish has a list of books at her site:

John Walkenbach's is a nice one to start with.

See if you can find them in your local bookstore/internet site and you can
choose what one you like best.

Jen wrote:



Dave Peterson- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Hi Dave,

Back, from a short night of sleep ... I dreamed about VBA and it's
Thank you so much for the "step-by-step" explanation, probably you
must have explained this already over-and-over-again to numerous
Biggest respect for that!! Thanks a lot.

When I see the code you've written, I am thinking: "that's easy
enough", "That's super-logic...".
"Adjusting" someone else's snippets will be my best way to learn about
VBA and it's syntax I guess. I don't see myself writing an extensive
macro from scratch annnny time soon.
& I was wondering whether you keep some sort of syntax-/ snippets-
library where you start with?... I guess not? Most likely you write
VBA-syntax in the same fluent way as you speak your mother tongue?

Thank you for directing me to John's and Debra's site. I'll definitely
explore that extensively!
About the books ...I'll soon place a bulk order ;)
But I've a question about something specific there:
Very often I am working with data that I pull down from a database
first (SAP, Essbase eg.) and then I start calculating away. Are there
any books you recommend on the Topic of "connecting-Excel-to-
databases", OLAPS, ODBC (whatever all these things mean...).

I know I have to learn how to walk first ;) ...but dreaming about the
Olympics makes you train harder to run faster.

Let me see what VBA has in mind for me today,
Thanks for your help and explanation,
Jen :)

Dave Peterson

Top posted...

I have a history of the posts I've made to the newsgroups--so if I see a
question that looks very similar (or almost exact), I'll just copy and paste.

If it's slightly different, I'll tweak the existing code and post that.

I don't do the database thing. You may want to start a new thread and ask
there--or even search google.

And by declaring my variables as the correct type and using intellisense, it
gets easier to pick the property/method that I want.

Jen wrote:


Hi Dave,

I was using the "final" code under the weekend on some test sheets with
great success.
But now on my "live-data" the code does not change a thing ...
I get -still / luckily- all the requests for input but the final
calculation remains like untouched.

As if the lookup-valuein the RngToSearch does not match with any of the
HLOOKUp-values in the HLookUpRng!
If I just click A5=HLookUpValue it turns TRUE though ...
Any thoughts?


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