Conditional Merging of 2 Spreadsheets



I have been looking on this discussion group for an issue similar to mine,
and I found a few, but not that were exactly what I need. Any help on my
issue would be greatly appreciated!

I have 2 spreadsheets, one with 15 columns and about 20,000 rows, the other
with 4 columns and about 150 rows. 1 Column in each of these spreadsheets (an
email column) have some of the same values. What I want to do is create a
third spreadsheet that has all the common emails from both spreadsheets, and
then merges the data into a single row. Is there any way to do this without
macros? I am very unfamiliar with excel, so please excuse my ignorance on the

Thanks in advance,
Omeed Musavi


Can anybody help with this? It really doesn't seem like anything too
outlandish or difficult...

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