Conditional Formatting



G'day Everyone

Dare I say it, but I've hit the proverbial brick wall here due to a long
absence AFK & Excel (2007)..

Specific work Range = $A3:$L100

The target Column with the Cell value question is "I"


=IF($I3>28,$A3:$L3="BOLD"),0.....or something along those lines

So essentially, if any cells in Column "I" is >28, the Rows along that
specific intersect will all become "Bold"

Thx heaps in advance

Rusty OL' Buzzard


Place cursor in cell I3. In the Home tab click 'Conditional formatting'.
Click new rule, then select 'Use a formula to determine wich cells to format'.
In the window 'Format values where this formula is true:' enter the formula
Now copy cell I3 and 'paste special' - 'formats' into your range of cells
Hope this helps

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