Conditional formatting size limit



Is there a limit to the number of cells that can contain conditional
formating in one worksheet?

Luke M

(Verified up to 2003)
No, you can conditionally format every cell in the sheet. (although this
could cause your computer to slow down, depending on available memory.

See "Excel specifications & limits" for further details, as there are limits
on nyumber of cell styles and number custom formats.


I took a look at the "Excel specifications & limits" page and there was
nothing that seemed to be an issue in this case.
Here is a little better description of the issue that I encounter.
When I try to save my file (Excel 2003) I receive an error message that

"Excel could not save all the data and formatting you recently added to

To return to your workbook without saving click Cancel.
If you want to continue saving changes without repairing the problem, click

I've tried to hit the help button but get nothing but a blank page.

I've tried to remove all of the formatting (bold, borders etc.) but nothing
seems to work.

The whole workbook is only about 12mb. Approx 8400 rows by 20 columns with
every seventh row containing a conditional format in 14 of the cells across.
The conditional format is simple as well, if the number is lass than 0 format
the value to be bold and red, and thats it. I don't understand why Excel is
having any difficulties handling this. Got any ideas? Please.

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