Conditional Formatting Not Working Out



In a spreadsheet macro I'm building, I need to test the contents of one cell
for a value and if the value is true, set a background color for the active
cell based on whether its value is equal to or greater than a calculated
value derived from a value in another cell. I can't get this done, so far,
with using Conditional Formatting. Here is a visual of what I'm trying to

1Wks in Mo. 4.2 4.2
2Name Type June July
3Fred INT 124 133
4Kay EXT 155 170

In this example, if Fred has a type of "INT" in B3 then in cell D3 I want to
first take the value of D1 x 30, which would equal 126. If Fred has a value
in D3 of greater than or equal to 126, then I want to change the background
color to Red.

I have 13 cells on each row that I need to do this type of calculation for.
I there is a per cell formula that I could use with Conditional Formatting,
that would be great. If not, is there a way to do this with VBA? (I'm sure
there is, but I don't have the bean for figuring it out!) I would really
appreciate some help with this one.

Bob Phillips




(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)

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