conditional format based on rank?


J.W. Aldridge

is there any way to use a conditional format formula to rank the
numbers in column of a pivot table or a range?


top score : cell pattern red
2nd highest: cell pattern blue
3rd highest: cell pattern yellow

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

is there any way to use a conditional format formula to rank the
numbers in column of a pivot table or a range?


top score : cell pattern red
2nd highest: cell pattern blue
3rd highest: cell pattern yellow

Use these 3 Conditional Format formulas...

Condition 1
Formula is: =C1=LARGE(C:C,1)
Format: Pattern -- Red

Condition 2
Formula is: =C1=LARGE(C:C,2)
Format: Pattern -- Blue

Condition 1
Formula is: =C1=LARGE(C:C,3)
Format: Pattern -- Yellow


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