Conditional Copy and paste



How can I set up a "conditional" copy and paste procedure?

I need to copy certain values from a column and paste them into another
depending on the date (that is settled in another column) associated to them.


ColumnA ColumnB ColumnC
Date Delay(nº of days) Where to paste

13-01-06 15 ........
22-02-05 20 ........
24-01-06 30 ........

So..., I need to copy the values in Column B to the Column C if the
corresponding values in Column A are greater than 01-01-2006 for example?

Taking into account that I have an huge list in which I'm adding new rows
every now an then, I would like to find a way that every time I added a new
row, depending on the values in column A it would copy the values in column B
and paste them to the column C.

I could really use some help!

Many Thanx!

Tom Ogilvy

Why not use a formula in column C

=if(A2>DateValue("some date"),B2,"")

then drag fill it down the column. If you want to prefill it for as far as
you think you will ever need it

=if(Or(A2="",A2<DateValue("some date")),"",b2)

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