condition formula in Word 2003




I am working in a company that has mutliple branches. I would like to use 1
form for all the branches. I have set up just the name of the branch at the
bottom of the page with checkboxes. What I would like to do is - if they
check on any given box, the information for that specific branch will display
underneath the company logo. Is there a way to do this instead of listing 15
addresses, tel nos and fax nos at the bottom of the page?

Any help is greatly appreciated.



I think you are going to need to write a macro for this one and attach it to
the check box field through the field properties. A Select Case macro should
do the trick.


Thanks for the reply.

Unfortunately, I have not done any macros before. Is there a tutorial
online on how to do the Select Case macro?



I haven't really found any sites that have good tutorials on Select Case.
Sorry. I'd write it for you if I had the time, but I don't right now.

Perhaps you could repost asking for help with creating a Select Case or If
statement macro to help you out with your check boxes.


ok. Thanks

finalword said:
I haven't really found any sites that have good tutorials on Select Case.
Sorry. I'd write it for you if I had the time, but I don't right now.

Perhaps you could repost asking for help with creating a Select Case or If
statement macro to help you out with your check boxes.

Graham Mayor

If this is a form, you could use a dropdown field to select the Branch and
run a macro to fill in other fields accordingly - a variation on the
following which puts an address in form field Text1 and a phone number in

Sub OnExitDD1()
'fills text field based on content of _
dropdown field

Dim oFld As FormFields
Set oFld = ActiveDocument.FormFields
Select Case oFld("Dropdown1").Result
Case Is = "Bristol"
oFld("Text1").Result = "1 Some Street" & vbCr _
& "Market Place" & vbCr & _
oFld("Text2").Result = "123-4567"
Case Is = "London"
oFld("Text1").Result = "1 Another Street" & vbCr _
& "Some Place" & vbCr & _
oFld("Text2").Result = "911-1111"
Case Is = "Manchester"
oFld("Text1").Result = "1 Athird Street" & vbCr _
& "Yetanother Place" & vbCr & _
oFld("Text2").Result = "456-9999"
Case Else
'Do nothing
End Select
End Sub

If your organisation stores the local addresses in Options > User
Information then you could insert a variety of data dependant on looking for
a unique string related to the branch e.g. the following will look in the
user address information for the City and fill in Text1 and Text2 with the
same information as above

Sub AutoNew()
'fills text field based on content of UserAddress
Dim oFld As FormFields
Dim sAddr As String

Set oFld = ActiveDocument.FormFields
sAddr = Application.UserAddress

If InStr(1, sAddr, "Bristol") Then _
oFld("Text1").Result = "1 Some Street" & vbCr _
& "Market Place" & vbCr & _
oFld("Text2").Result = "123-4567"
If InStr(1, sAddr, "London") Then _
oFld("Text1").Result = "1 Another Street" & vbCr _
& "Some Place" & vbCr & _
oFld("Text2").Result = "911-1111"
If InStr(1, sAddr, "Manchester") Then _
oFld("Text1").Result = "1 Athird Street" & vbCr _
& "Yetanother Place" & vbCr & _
oFld("Text2").Result = "456-9999"
End Sub

If you simply want to insert the UserAddress in Text1 you could replace all
of the latter with

Dim oFld As FormFields
Dim sAddr As String
Set oFld = ActiveDocument.FormFields
sAddr = Application.UserAddress
oFld("Text1").Result = Replace(sAddr, Chr(10), "")

You could also store the required information for each branch in an ini file
for the branch and automatically insert the information from the ini file.
See for techniques.

There are lots of ways to approach this depending on what you have locally
or what you can set up.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Hi Graham,

I tried, but that does not really work. It always gives me a run-time error
'5941': The requested member of the collection does not exist. I have
already added the drop down list and 2 bookmarks labeled as Text1 and Text2.

In addition, if I do a form, I need to protect the form in order to get drop
down to work. Unfortunately, I was designing this as a quotation form, so
the users must be able to enter details.

All I was trying to accomplish is if checkbox for Branch 10 is checked, the
branch address, tel/fax no. for branch 10 will display at the bottom of the
page. If checkbox for Branch 20 is checked, the branch address, tel/fax no.
for branch 20 will display at the bottom of the page.

Many thanks again,

Graham Mayor

OK - Plan B. Let's forget about the form and the check box (which would also
need to be in a protected form). Let's go the ini file route.

Put a bookmark in the document template where you want the branch
information to appear and call that bookmark 'Branch'.

The following macro saved in the document template (not the normal template)
will insert whatever detail you want associated with a particular branch
number into the bookmark when you create a new document from the template.

I have set up two fictitious addresses associated with branch numbers 10 and
20. You will need to set up case statements for every address you require
and associate them with the branch numbers. Where the branch number is not
associated with an address nothing is entered in the bookmark

When the macro runs, it checks for the presence of the entry in the
settings.ini text file. If it doesn't find the entry it prompts for the
branch number. I will have to assume your users know the number of their
branch? I have also added a macro to reset the number should a user screw it
up or while testing the various branch data..

Sub AutoNew()
'macro requires a bookmark in the document called 'Branch'!

Dim SettingsFile As String
Dim Branch As String
Dim rBranchText As Range
Dim i As Long

SettingsFile = Options.DefaultFilePath(wdStartupPath) & "\Settings.ini"
Branch = System.PrivateProfileString(SettingsFile, _
"Branch Number", "Branch")
If Branch = "" Then
Branch = InputBox("Enter the local branch number", "Branch number")
GoTo UpdateSettings
End If
Set rBranchText = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Branch").Range

Select Case Branch
Case Is = 10
rBranchText.Text = "1 Smith Street" & vbCr & _
"Manchester" & vbCr & "M1 2AZ"
Case Is = 20
rBranchText.Text = "2 Any Street" & vbCr & _
"London" & vbCr & "W1 1EW"
Case Else
rBranchText.Text = ""
End Select

With ActiveDocument
.Bookmarks.Add "Branch", rBranchText
End With
Exit Sub
System.PrivateProfileString(SettingsFile, "Branch Number", _
"Branch") = Branch
GoTo Start:
End Sub

Sub ResetBranch()
Dim SettingsFile As String
Dim Branch As String
Dim sQuery As String
SettingsFile = Options.DefaultFilePath(wdStartupPath) & "\Settings.ini"

Branch = System.PrivateProfileString(SettingsFile, _
"Branch Number", "Branch")
sQuery = InputBox("Reset branch number?", "Reset", Branch)
If sQuery = "" Then Exit Sub
Branch = sQuery
System.PrivateProfileString(SettingsFile, "Branch Number", _
"Branch") = Branch
End Sub

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Graham Mayor

You are welcome.

It may be a bit late now but it occurs that you could initially prompt the
user for the address and store that in the ini file for that user rather
than the branch number. This would mean a simple user form to gather the
data, but it would save you from having to make all those case statements
and the user would be responsible for ensuring the address is kept up to

I have an example template if you are interested in this approach It works on the same
principle as the macro in my last message, and can be modified to your
requirements. It includes a macro to reset the address.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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