Cond Formatting: Green Amber Red



I have the following three expressions for conditional formatting but can
only get the Green and Red to work.

(IsNull([AAA-095]) And ((Now())<[Bn S:]-1)) Or (([AAA-095])<=([Bn S:]))
Then Green
(IsNull([AAA-095]) And ((Now())+1=[Bn S:]))
Then Amber
((IsNull([AAA-095]) And ((Now())>=[Bn S:])) Or ([AAA-095])>([Bn S:]))
Then Red

Amber won't work. I've also tried
(IsNull([AAA-095]) And ((Now())=[Bn S:]-1))

Ken Snell \(MVP\)

What type of data does the [Bn S:] field contain? Now returns a date and
time value, meaning that it shows current date and current time. If [Bn S:]
contains just a date, use Date() instead of Now().



Perfect, Thank you so very much!!!!!!

Ken Snell (MVP) said:
What type of data does the [Bn S:] field contain? Now returns a date and
time value, meaning that it shows current date and current time. If [Bn S:]
contains just a date, use Date() instead of Now().


Ken Snell

franklinbukoski said:
I have the following three expressions for conditional formatting but can
only get the Green and Red to work.

(IsNull([AAA-095]) And ((Now())<[Bn S:]-1)) Or (([AAA-095])<=([Bn S:]))
Then Green
(IsNull([AAA-095]) And ((Now())+1=[Bn S:]))
Then Amber
((IsNull([AAA-095]) And ((Now())>=[Bn S:])) Or ([AAA-095])>([Bn S:]))
Then Red

Amber won't work. I've also tried
(IsNull([AAA-095]) And ((Now())=[Bn S:]-1))

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