


I have two columns containing data and want to merge them into a third column
(Col D). Col B is number and Col C is text.

Existing data looks like this:

Col B Col C Col D
300 -0001 300-0001
300 -0002 300-0002
300 -0009 300-0003

I formatted C as CUSTOM (-0000). My concatenation formula (=(B2&"-000"&C2))
works until the Col C value is -0025, -0123, or -1234. These values appear as:

300-00025 (should be 300-0025)
300-00123 (should be 300-0123)
300-01234 (should be 300-1234)

Can someone help me fix this problem? Any help will be greatly appreciated
and thanks in advance.


Bob Phillips



Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)

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