Concatenate Text Statements




I'm not entirely sure how I should explain this, so here goes:- I am
trying to create a user interface with [not entirely sure about this
yet] tick boxes/ comboboxes where the user will select a number of
statements/ or titles of statements from the userform which will be
linked to some quite extensive documents, which will in turn produce
one large concatenated text string made up from all the previously
chosen lists. Does that sound right?

Basically I want the end result to be a text file or a text box which
is made up from all the various statements which the use can copy and
paste. Thanks for any help in advance. = )

Dave Peterson

How about an alternative.

Create a worksheet with the text in B2:Bxx (say) (with headers in A1:B1)
Then have the user put an X (or some character) in column A if they want the
corresponding paragraph.

Then tell them to filter to show the non-blanks (or X's).

Copy the visible cells in column B (not the header)
and paste into notepad

Then they could modify that or copy|paste to the real application.

I'm not entirely sure how I should explain this, so here goes:- I am
trying to create a user interface with [not entirely sure about this
yet] tick boxes/ comboboxes where the user will select a number of
statements/ or titles of statements from the userform which will be
linked to some quite extensive documents, which will in turn produce
one large concatenated text string made up from all the previously
chosen lists. Does that sound right?

Basically I want the end result to be a text file or a text box which
is made up from all the various statements which the use can copy and
paste. Thanks for any help in advance. = )

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