Concatenate Problem



All -
I have a formula that I'm using on the spreedsheet (not in VB) that has been
concatenating the text of certain cells. I've run into a problem that is
telling me that "You have entered to many arguments for this fuction". Here
is an example of what I using:

Current formula:

=CONCATENATE("CCSL - PMHS Interval: ",AF30," EST: AHT: ",J2,"; Req.
Line: ",AG30,"; On-prod: ",AH30,".
PRO Interval: ",AF30," EST: AHT: ",J3,"; Req. Line: ",AI30,"; On-prod:
Combined Interval: ",AF30," EST: Req. Line: ",AM30,"; On-prod: ",AN30,".

What I'd like to have:

=CONCATENATE("CCSL - PMHS Interval: ",AF30," EST: AHT: ",J2,"; Req.
Line: ",AG30,"; On-prod: ",AH30,".
PRO Interval: ",AF30," EST: AHT: ",J3,"; Req. Line: ",AI30,"; On-prod:
",AJ30,". PROV: ",AF30," EST: AHT: ",J4,"; Req. Line: ",AK30,"; On-prod:
Combined Interval: ",AF30," EST: Req. Line: ",AM30,"; On-prod: ",AN30,".

I added an extra line in the formula. Any help would be great.

Thanks in advance!

Ron Rosenfeld

All -
I have a formula that I'm using on the spreedsheet (not in VB) that has been
concatenating the text of certain cells. I've run into a problem that is
telling me that "You have entered to many arguments for this fuction". Here
is an example of what I using:

Current formula:

=CONCATENATE("CCSL - PMHS Interval: ",AF30," EST: AHT: ",J2,"; Req.
Line: ",AG30,"; On-prod: ",AH30,".
PRO Interval: ",AF30," EST: AHT: ",J3,"; Req. Line: ",AI30,"; On-prod:
Combined Interval: ",AF30," EST: Req. Line: ",AM30,"; On-prod: ",AN30,".

What I'd like to have:

=CONCATENATE("CCSL - PMHS Interval: ",AF30," EST: AHT: ",J2,"; Req.
Line: ",AG30,"; On-prod: ",AH30,".
PRO Interval: ",AF30," EST: AHT: ",J3,"; Req. Line: ",AI30,"; On-prod:
",AJ30,". PROV: ",AF30," EST: AHT: ",J4,"; Req. Line: ",AK30,"; On-prod:
Combined Interval: ",AF30," EST: Req. Line: ",AM30,"; On-prod: ",AN30,".

I added an extra line in the formula. Any help would be great.

Thanks in advance!

From Excel specifications:

Arguments in a function 30

Your formula has 31 arguments.

One workaround, not involving VBA, would be to split your formula into two

A1: =CONCATENATE( args 1-15)
A2: =CONCATENATE(A2, args 16-30)

Another solution is to not use CONCATENATE at all. Rather use the "&"

="CCSL - PMHS Interval: "&AF30&" EST: AHT: "&J2&";
Req.Line: "&AG30&"; On-prod: "&AH30&". PRO Interval: "
&AF30&" EST: AHT: "&J3&"; Req. Line: "&AI30&
"; On-prod: "&AJ30&". PROV: "&AF30&" EST: AHT: "&
J4&"; Req. Line: "&AK30&"; On-prod: "&AL30&".Combined Interval: "
&AF30&" EST: Req. Line: "&AM30&"; On-prod: "&AN30&". "



I think you simply exceeded the limit of 30 arguments for the function by
adding the extra line
Try using & instead


Thanks, that worked great!

Ron Rosenfeld said:
From Excel specifications:

Arguments in a function 30

Your formula has 31 arguments.

One workaround, not involving VBA, would be to split your formula into two

A1: =CONCATENATE( args 1-15)
A2: =CONCATENATE(A2, args 16-30)

Another solution is to not use CONCATENATE at all. Rather use the "&"

="CCSL - PMHS Interval: "&AF30&" EST: AHT: "&J2&";
Req.Line: "&AG30&"; On-prod: "&AH30&". PRO Interval: "
&AF30&" EST: AHT: "&J3&"; Req. Line: "&AI30&
"; On-prod: "&AJ30&". PROV: "&AF30&" EST: AHT: "&
J4&"; Req. Line: "&AK30&"; On-prod: "&AL30&".Combined Interval: "
&AF30&" EST: Req. Line: "&AM30&"; On-prod: "&AN30&". "
