Concatenate in chart titles


Mike Z

I am trying to have my chart titles auto populate with both text and a
reference field. I want the title text box to read "Text 'contents of a
referenced cell'". Is this possible? I can have the title text box display
contents of a referenced cell, but cannot add text to the title text box so
that is displays both. Thanks,

Del Cotter

I am trying to have my chart titles auto populate with both text and a
reference field. I want the title text box to read "Text 'contents of a
referenced cell'". Is this possible? I can have the title text box display
contents of a referenced cell, but cannot add text to the title text box so
that is displays both.

You can't make the title be a formula, but you can make it be "contents
of a referenced cell".

So make it be the contents of a cell which is *itself* a formula. That
referenced cell can be "Text & 'contents of another referenced cell'"


Hi Mike,

Del has given you the correct solution. I just wanted to clarify:

In a spreadsheet cell enter a formula such as:

="The result is: "&B2&" as of "&TEXT(NOW(),"DDDD - MMM. D, YYYY")

This example shows you how to concatenate text with a cell's contents with a
function's results. Many books state that you can only concatenate text
entries but you can concatenate numbers, dates, text, cell references,
formulas and functions.

Mike Z

That worked great. Thank you so much.

Del Cotter said:
You can't make the title be a formula, but you can make it be "contents
of a referenced cell".

So make it be the contents of a cell which is *itself* a formula. That
referenced cell can be "Text & 'contents of another referenced cell'"

Mike Z

That worked great. Thanks a bunch.

ShaneDevenshire said:
Hi Mike,

Del has given you the correct solution. I just wanted to clarify:

In a spreadsheet cell enter a formula such as:

="The result is: "&B2&" as of "&TEXT(NOW(),"DDDD - MMM. D, YYYY")

This example shows you how to concatenate text with a cell's contents with a
function's results. Many books state that you can only concatenate text
entries but you can concatenate numbers, dates, text, cell references,
formulas and functions.

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