Concatenate errors



I use a form that includes lookup tables. one of the lookup tables contains
financial accounting dates, e.g.,week 1 on lu table is 01/03/05 and 01/07/05
then 7 day intervals thru week 52.

When I try to use "&" in combination with the lookup, I get the date
returned as a serial number. For example vlookup(week,weeknumber,2)&"thru

The dates table was regular dates format, then copy/paste special/values.

What am I doing wrong?

JE McGimpsey

One way:

=TEXT(VLOOKUP(week,weeknumber, 2),"mm/dd/yy") & " thru " &
TEXT(VLOOKUP(week, weeknumber, 3), "mm/dd/yy")

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