Computer wants to dskchk disk on boot



Since I installed the .NET programs (v1.1), my computer wants to dskchk an
internal hard drive...not C:\ but another. How can I stop this from
happening? I'm running XP Pro.

Thank you for your help.



Prevent Check Disk Upon Boot (Line 294)

Check Disk - Disk Checking Runs Upon Boot

Check Disk runs on every boot: Note - I have seen this happen when Windows
File Protection has either been disabled or not allowed to run upon
cancelling the bootup Check Disk.

Suggestions and Checkpoints:

Go to Start/Run/CMD and type in: fsutil dirty query c:
(Modify the drive letter accordingly)

If it comes back as dirty, it hasn't cleared. For more information go to
Start/Run/CMD and type in: CHKNTFS /?

Option: From a command prompt type chkntfs /D and then reboot, a chkdsk
should run but not again on next boot.

This edit does not work for all users, circumstances depending:

Disable or Enable CheckDisk Upon Boot (Line 82)


All the Best,

Taskbar Repair Tool Plus!!.htm


Hi Mike I had the same problem with a western digital hard disk. Is that what
your using? Eventually i bought a new hard disk £40 which solved the problem.
I still havent tried to retrieve my data from the old hard drive. If its a
western digital and you've heard a few clicking sounds basically its on its
way out. Do a search on this newsgroup you should find several posts some by
me on this matter. Bascially the hard disk probably has bad sectors if chkdsk
freezes especially which is what i experienced. You can goto the command line
by typing CMD in the run box and then to the suspect drive and the type
chkdsk/f you might be better doing this through recovery console which can be
accessed from your original windows cd in the same menu to install windows.
good luck


Thanks much. I bookmarked both those pages for future reference.

I appreciate your help.


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