Computer System Pegging and Hanging


John Harris

I am trying to figure out why my system is doing this and have been
unsuccessful so far, so I thought I would try here.

I am running a Dell XPS 400 box; P4 3.0 Ghz with 3 MB Ram. OS was upgraded
to Vista Home Premium and also upgraded Video Card to ATI Radeon X1950 Pro
256 MB. The system should handle anything I throw at it, but since the
upgrade it "pegs" at 100% at random times. I have looked at the logs and
cannot tell what is causing this to happen. It releases after about 1 minute
usually, but it is becoming very tiresome as you can never tell when it is
going to happen (in fact it happened while I was typing this).

I have turned off UAC and set the system setting off of Aero and
transparency inc case it was that, but it is still happening.

Does ANYONE have any clues?

Richard Urban

I have a similar problem with my single core processer. Microsoft "does"
specify that a dual core processor is desirable for Vista.



Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User
(For email, remove the obvious from my address)


So I need to buy a dual core?

Richard Urban said:
I have a similar problem with my single core processer. Microsoft "does"
specify that a dual core processor is desirable for Vista.



Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User
(For email, remove the obvious from my address)

Richard Urban

I can state that I have worked on many dual core computers that are with
less RAM than I have and the processor is of a lower speed. Yet these
systems seem to load faster and they respond quicker when starting many
functions, than my single core box does.

I am slowly ordering the components I need to build up a multi-core system.



Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User
(For email, remove the obvious from my address)


Vista runs just fine even when watching Live TV on my not very fast, single
core laptop, with 1GB of memory, and on which Aero is enabled. It did run
faster after I added 2GB of flash memory and enabled it for Ready Boost. Of
course a dual core is desirable in any system but it is certainly not
What applications are you running when your CPU spikes? I suggest that you
keep task manager running so that you spot the task that is consuming your
CPU as soon as you sense that the problem is happening.


JW said:
Vista runs just fine even when watching Live TV on my not very fast,
single core laptop, with 1GB of memory, and on which Aero is enabled. It
did run faster after I added 2GB of flash memory and enabled it for Ready
Boost. Of course a dual core is desirable in any system but it is
certainly not required.
What applications are you running when your CPU spikes? I suggest that
you keep task manager running so that you spot the task that is consuming
your CPU as soon as you sense that the problem is happening.

I agree. I don't have any problems relating to speed or lock ups on my
single core system. Vista is just as fast as XP was.


Red meat isn't bad for you....Blue, Green fuzzy meat is bad for you.

Dell Dimension 8300 Desktop
P4 3.0GHz
Windows Vista Ultimate 32Bit
ATI Radeon 9800 XT
Creative SB Audigy 2

Kerry Brown

In the Start search box type performance then click on Performance
Information and Tools in the list above. Click on Advanced Tools. Often the
problem will be listed on this screen. If it's not work through the links
and usually you will will find clues leading to a solution.

John Harris

I have tried that but there is no sign of slowdown before it just stops dead
for a minute. When it does this there is no way to get the task manager up.
I have stopped all services not needed (i.e. sidebar) and features (Aero,
transparency) but nothing is working. Maybe it is ZoneAlarm??


Start task manager before the problem happens then when you do bring it back
after the one minute freeze it may still have data from the time of the
It appears that your system may be doing something that causes a one minute
time out to occur which is freezing the other programs till the time out is
over. but I would think this would show up in the event logs.
It may be timing on with your network connection. So I suggest that try
running with out your network connected.

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