Computer Room Booking form




I work in a school, and we have 3 computer rooms. I have taken on the task
of doing a computerized booking form.

It would be accessible by admins of the network, would access or excel be
the best program to use. I was thinking more of Access.

We have a mixture of permantly booked classes and some just written in ones,
is there a way to tell the program to delete the written in bookings after a
2 week period, but not the permenant bookings?

I have 2 books at hand, Access 2003 inside out and Excel 2003 Inside Out,
plus the internet!


Allan Murphy


I would prefer Access because you want to make permanent bookings by booking
a room for a certain time period for the duration of the school year. Using
Excel would involve many worksheets.

I am currently creating a Community Hall Hire Booking system for another
user of this group that is similar to your question.. If you require more
information on this booking system please contact "off list"

Allan Murphy
Email: (e-mail address removed)

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