Computer not working!



A couple of weeks ago I installed a Asus V9560 GeForce
FX5600XT 128MB DDR AGP, Tv-Out/DVI-I graphics card in my
brother in laws PC.
WinXp home, P4 2.4, 128 ram.

I was staying down there for a week and installed and
tested it for most of the week, no problems.
He phoned my tonight and said that when he started his PC
he got an error message "You have installed new hardware
PC won't work" kind of thing. That was after it ran scan
He also said that there was a funny clicking noise coming
from the PC, then it freezes or shuts down.

Does anyone have any ideas about this please?



You need more RAM, 128mb is not enough for XP! Need at
least 256mb.

Good luck,

Jill T.

joust in jest

a "funny clicking noise" , a.k.a. "The Click Of Doom" and "The Click Of
Death" usually indicates a soon-to-be dead hard drive. As the read-head
strikes a platter on the hard drive, it "clicks', in the process destroying
a portion of the platter (and any data residing there). If it happened to
strike a portion of the platter where data about the TV card was stored, you
most certainly will receive an error message.

Of course your brother-in-law religiously backs up his data every day, so he
needn't worry about losing it when the drive inevitably dies.

by-the-by, 128MB of RAM is rather slim for Windows XP -- just barely enough
to load the Operating System. Any programs will mostly be moving to and
from the Page File on the hard drive (constantly working the drive and
read/write head). Most knowledgeable users of XP recommend a minimum of
256. If you use any graphics programs, multi-task, or play modern games, a
reasonable minimum is 512 MB.

[consider: At the moment I have MS Word loaded = 14.5 MB; Excel = 17.2 MB,
Outlook = 19.5 MB ... three programs = 51 MB of memory]




Thanks very much for your reply. Excellent.
I suspected that the "clicking" was possibly a HDD problem
and suggested to my brother in law that he back his stuff
up if he got it going again (because he hasn't in the
past) he generally uses just for internet and games sonot
really anything to worry about there.

I agree that 128mb of ram is slim, for any computer these
days, so will update that for him next time I'm down there.

So its not the newly installed graphics card, just a 4
year old failing HDD and to little ram.

Steve, many thanks again.

-----Original Message-----
a "funny clicking noise" , a.k.a. "The Click Of Doom" and "The Click Of
Death" usually indicates a soon-to-be dead hard drive. As the read-head
strikes a platter on the hard drive, it "clicks', in the process destroying
a portion of the platter (and any data residing there). If it happened to
strike a portion of the platter where data about the TV card was stored, you
most certainly will receive an error message.

Of course your brother-in-law religiously backs up his data every day, so he
needn't worry about losing it when the drive inevitably dies.

by-the-by, 128MB of RAM is rather slim for Windows XP -- just barely enough
to load the Operating System. Any programs will mostly be moving to and
from the Page File on the hard drive (constantly working the drive and
read/write head). Most knowledgeable users of XP recommend a minimum of
256. If you use any graphics programs, multi-task, or play modern games, a
reasonable minimum is 512 MB.

[consider: At the moment I have MS Word loaded = 14.5 MB; Excel = 17.2 MB,
Outlook = 19.5 MB ... three programs = 51 MB of memory]


A couple of weeks ago I installed a Asus V9560 GeForce
FX5600XT 128MB DDR AGP, Tv-Out/DVI-I graphics card in my
brother in laws PC.
WinXp home, P4 2.4, 128 ram.

I was staying down there for a week and installed and
tested it for most of the week, no problems.
He phoned my tonight and said that when he started his PC
he got an error message "You have installed new hardware
PC won't work" kind of thing. That was after it ran scan
He also said that there was a funny clicking noise coming
from the PC, then it freezes or shuts down.

Does anyone have any ideas about this please?



joust in jest

Glad to help



Thanks very much for your reply. Excellent.
I suspected that the "clicking" was possibly a HDD problem
and suggested to my brother in law that he back his stuff
up if he got it going again (because he hasn't in the
past) he generally uses just for internet and games sonot
really anything to worry about there.

I agree that 128mb of ram is slim, for any computer these
days, so will update that for him next time I'm down there.

So its not the newly installed graphics card, just a 4
year old failing HDD and to little ram.

Steve, many thanks again.

-----Original Message-----
a "funny clicking noise" , a.k.a. "The Click Of Doom" and "The Click Of
Death" usually indicates a soon-to-be dead hard drive. As the read-head
strikes a platter on the hard drive, it "clicks', in the process destroying
a portion of the platter (and any data residing there). If it happened to
strike a portion of the platter where data about the TV card was stored, you
most certainly will receive an error message.

Of course your brother-in-law religiously backs up his data every day, so he
needn't worry about losing it when the drive inevitably dies.

by-the-by, 128MB of RAM is rather slim for Windows XP -- just barely enough
to load the Operating System. Any programs will mostly be moving to and
from the Page File on the hard drive (constantly working the drive and
read/write head). Most knowledgeable users of XP recommend a minimum of
256. If you use any graphics programs, multi-task, or play modern games, a
reasonable minimum is 512 MB.

[consider: At the moment I have MS Word loaded = 14.5 MB; Excel = 17.2 MB,
Outlook = 19.5 MB ... three programs = 51 MB of memory]


A couple of weeks ago I installed a Asus V9560 GeForce
FX5600XT 128MB DDR AGP, Tv-Out/DVI-I graphics card in my
brother in laws PC.
WinXp home, P4 2.4, 128 ram.

I was staying down there for a week and installed and
tested it for most of the week, no problems.
He phoned my tonight and said that when he started his PC
he got an error message "You have installed new hardware
PC won't work" kind of thing. That was after it ran scan
He also said that there was a funny clicking noise coming
from the PC, then it freezes or shuts down.

Does anyone have any ideas about this please?



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