computer hangs on start up code 7000



I have had my computer for three years and suddenly it is hanging at start

It stops at the display of "Intel Pentium 4" and continues after about four
minutes. Once booting is complete, the pc works fine.

The error shown is 7000. In Event Properties it says " The OMSCAN service
failed to start due to the following error. The specified file could not be

Net event.dll File Version 5.1.2600 Source Service Control Manager.

My stand alone PC is a 3Ghz. Pentium 4 with 512mb Ram and 160Gb hard drive.

I wonder if some kind person would help me to resolve this problem. Until
yesterday I had no problem with it and cannot think of a reason why this
should suddenly be happening.

Many thanks


Pegasus \(MVP\)

Zipadeedoodaa said:
I have had my computer for three years and suddenly it is hanging at start

It stops at the display of "Intel Pentium 4" and continues after about four
minutes. Once booting is complete, the pc works fine.

The error shown is 7000. In Event Properties it says " The OMSCAN service
failed to start due to the following error. The specified file could not be

Net event.dll File Version 5.1.2600 Source Service Control Manager.

My stand alone PC is a 3Ghz. Pentium 4 with 512mb Ram and 160Gb hard drive.

I wonder if some kind person would help me to resolve this problem. Until
yesterday I had no problem with it and cannot think of a reason why this
should suddenly be happening.

Many thanks


I don't know what application requires the omscan service.
I suggest you run msconfig.exe via the Start/Run button,
click the Services tab and untick the omscan service. If
some application subsequently fails then you may have
to re-install that application.


Thank you,Pegasus, for your prompt reply.

I have looked in Services tab and cannot see OMSCAN to untick, so I have a

The only thing I have done differently in recent days is to try the Logmein
remote access software, which allows me to access from any PC. I am just
wondering if that has caused me some trouble.
I have uninstalled the software from my PC but I am wondering if something
has got left behind.

Looking at the Services tab I see that "Remote access connection" is
running. Is that normal.

Thank you for your help.


Pegasus \(MVP\)

Some services have a long name and a short name.
Run regedit.exe and navigate here:
Now search for OMSCAN in order to find the
long name for the service.


Thank you very much for your reply.

I have expanded regedit as you describe.

This is what it shows.

Left hand pane shows Omscan

Right hand pane shows (Default) REG_SZ (value not set)
Count REG_DWORD 0x00000000 (0)
Next Instance REG_DWORD 0x00000000

Hope you can help me further. It is much appreciated.

Many thanks,


Pegasus \(MVP\)

Your report does not make much sense. Have a look
at the following example to see what I mean:

Location: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time
Short name of service: W32Time
Long name of service: Windows Time (on the right)
ImagePath: %SystemRoot%\System32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs

When the file specified in "ImagePath" cannot be found then
you get your type of error.

Now use this example to track down the details of your
own failed service, then disable it via msconfig.exe.


Thank you very much,once again.

I have followed your example and got the following info.

Omscan in left pane. In right pane Image path REG_SZ \sys.

Under services in msconfig I have two items beginning with sys. i.e. System
Event Notification and System Restore Service.

I hope that helps you further.

Once again, many thanks,


Pegasus \(MVP\)

It appears that the omscan entry in the registry is corrupted.
You cannot have an image path of "\sys". Export this value
via File/Export (to be on the safe side), then delete it from
the registry. This will solve your problem.


Thank you for this advice.

As instructed I have exported and saved and then deleted the entry in
Omscan. I then shut down my computer, then booted up again but sadly it
still hangs. As I mentioned before, it hangs for fully two minutes before
Windows starts to load and then it takes a minute or two to complete the
boot up.

The only additional thing I did was to take a System Restore point before I
deleted the said item.

I have gone back into regedit and confirmed that the entry no longer appears
in Omscan.

Event viewer says that Omscan failed to start because it couldn't find the
relevant file.

Is there anything further you could help me with.

I am very grateful to you.

Neville Metcalfe

Pegasus \(MVP\)

If the event viewer reports that Omscan failed to start
then there is something else in the registry that attempts
to launch Omscan. You must scan the whole registry
for this string.


Oh dear!,Pegasus, now I think I'm lost.

At seventy something, what you suggest would probably finish me off. It
sounds terribly complicated, I think I'll have to go and have a lie down in
a darkened room.

You have been very helpful and I thank you, but do you think it is something
I could do, or should I call in the computer police.

Best wishes,


Pegasus \(MVP\)

At sixty something, I'm not far behind you! You probably
have these options:
1. Put up with the problem.
2. Reload Windows & all apps.
3. Ask a friend to assist.
4. Open your machine so that I can help you.
The last option is the one I use with all my clients. They
love it! On the other hand they know me, and you don't.
If you're prepared to consider it then you can drop me
a note on (e-mail address removed) (after changing both
"z" to "s" in my address).


Thank you,again for this reply.

I am going to consider your options as outlined. Nobody likes their computer
to be anything other than perfect, so I think in the first instance I will
go back to the manufacturer to see if they can come up with a suggestion -
it's still under guarantee and full support, whatever that means.

Presumably the fourth option means remote access.That being so,I will have
to think carefully as it's a big step to take.

I will come back to you but I notice there is a space between pegazuz and
fnl. Presumably that's right.

Many thanks,Pegasus, and may your wings never fail to flap.

Greetings from the UK

Best wishes,


Pegasus \(MVP\)

The time will come when my wings get clipped . . .
There is no space before "fnl" - it is an underscore.
Spaces are not permitted in EMail addresses.

Ken Blake, MVP

Pegasus said:
Spaces are not permitted in EMail addresses.

Generally true, of course, but just as a matter of trivia, with AOL (for
example from one AOL user to another) spaces (and upper case letters) are
permitted, but ignored. So Pe g a S (e-mail address removed) would be treated as
(e-mail address removed)

Pegasus \(MVP\)

Ken Blake said:
Generally true, of course, but just as a matter of trivia, with AOL (for
example from one AOL user to another) spaces (and upper case letters) are
permitted, but ignored. So Pe g a S (e-mail address removed) would be treated as
(e-mail address removed)

Thanks - I was not aware of this.

Pegasus \(MVP\)

I note the reply you sent directly to my Yahoo EMail address
(see below). This is not something I would have thought of.
I suspect it is a new method to reset the BIOS to its default
values. Thanks for the feedback.
After spending what seems like many hours trying to resolve the problem and
troubling you as well, I wrote to the suppliers.

Here's their answer, amongst many stock problem solvers..

"My computer is freezing up at the Intel page."

1.Turn PC off.
2.Turn the rocker switch at the back of the PC off.
3.Press and hold the front power button for 60 seconds.
4.Turn rocker switch back on.
5.Turn PC back on as normal.


Now I'm no expert in anything, but it sounds a bit like static to me.

Thought you'd like to see what happened.

Seems OK now.

Thanks a lot.


Sorry if I dealt with the response in the wrong way by writing to your e
mail address.

As the item had long since disappeared off the page, I thought it would be
gone forever.

Many thanks,



I've had a quick word with support at my supplier of my PC and they tell me
that the problem is more than likely caused by static build up. Anyway, it's
resolved the problem

I had the same problem with my laptop some months ago. The display from the
monitor failed to show, though I new the computer was on. That is a Dell
laptop and they gave me the same instructions and it solved the problem.

I must be wearing the wrong type of polyester, nylon, cotton, wool or
viscose. I'll have to stop wearing my wife's tights!!!!!

Best wishes,


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