Computer crashing



Everytime I play CD's I have loaded in to WMP and I go to turn WMP off it
shuts down the computer. Is there a way to avoid this from happening? I
would really like to put more music on my WMP but do not want to turn the
computer off to change the music. Any help appreciated.


Try reinstalling WMP overtop of itself to correct the problem.
Do not try to uninstall it first.


OK, How do I go about doing that. I presently have WMP and WMP(2) in my
programs listing. I presume that one is WMP 9.0 and that (2) is WMP 10.0.
But how do I reinstall over top of itself?


OK, the (2) means that you have possibly two versions of WMP installed.
Look in Control Panel/Add or Remove Programs and see if there are two
listings. If there is, remove the one with the (2), if not you're OK.
Now download a (fresh) copy of WMP10 at below URL (website) for your
present copy may be corrupt. At the end of the download it should ask you
if you want to install it, answer OK and it will install (replace) present
overtop of itself. In other words, it will replace automatically all files
in the
application with freshly downloaded files. After installation, check in the
Control Panel/Add or Remove Programs again and see the listing for WMP
and see if the two new Hotfixes are listed. KB834707 & KB885884. If not,
go to Windows Updater and have them downloaded to install.
Hope it works for you. :~)
WMP10 Downloa


If after all the help you have gotten for this problem if you still have
problems shutting down when trying to do something you might check out your
processer fan. I was having trouble like that and I have a pretty new PC, but
the processer fan was shot. After having it replaced no more problems.. What
happens is the computer gets "HOT"

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