computed values in cells



Hi guys, looking for a bit of help here. What I want is to have a cell,
let's say it's A1, have a drop down menu within it. No proble, I got that
part all figured out.

Then I want another cell, let's say B1in which is entered a numerical value.
Again, I got that part. :)

The trick is that I want yet a third cell, say C1, to basically "read" the
choice made in cell A1, combine it with the numerical value entered in B2,
and then automatically fill in a preset string based on what A1 and B2 say.
I'm not looking for a mathematical formula, because the data in A1 is text
from the drop down, the data in B2 is numerical, and the data in C1 is also
text, based on the particular combo of items in the other 2 cells.

Any help here is GREATLY appreciated.



Do you have a table somewhere which lists the output you require for
the various combinations of A1 and B1? If so, you can use a VLOOKUP
formula to bring from that table the particular message associated
with A1 and B1 combined. If you can supply a few examples, I'm sure
someone will be able to help with a formula to do this.

Hope this helps.


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