compute elapsed time



I'd like to display the elapsed time my routine takes (it's big and takes quite
a while). I can capture the start and stop times, but when I computer the
elapsed time, all I get is something like "-2.31481481481555E-04". Does anyone
know what shananigans I need to go thru to get what I'm after? Do I have to
work with the hours, minutes and seconds separately?

Since I composed the above question, I have found the following:

Dim strDisplayTime As String

strDisplayTime = TotalTime \ 60 & ":" & Format(TotalTime Mod 60,

which I tweaked for my use:

StopTime = Time
ElapsedTime = StartTime - StopTime
strElapsedTime = ElapsedTime \ 60 & ":" & Format(ElapsedTime Mod 60, "00")
MsgBox _
"Stop Time.....(" & StopTime & ")" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Start Time.....(" & StartTime & ")" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
" ---------------" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Elapsed Time.....(" & strElapsedTime & ")", , "TimeStamp - " & _
Date & " - " & Time

The formatting is okay, I'm now getting "0:00", But even though the elapsed
time is several minutes, all I still get is "0:00". (My elapsed time is very
short right now as I'm still testing.)

Can anyone please help?

Thanks in advance,


John Spencer (MVP)

Since Time is a fractional part of day, you are getting a decimal (fractional)
part of a day. Also, you are subtracting the larger value from the smaller
value and therefore getting a negative number.

ElapsedSeconds = DateDiff("s",Startime,StopTime)

ElapsedSeconds\60 & ":" & Format(ElapsedSeconds Mod 60,"00")

If you are going to need hours in addition to minutes and seconds, post back.

George A

Note the parameter used in the Format function.
This is the key to your problem.

This code waits 2 seconds before proceeding.

Dim intExit As Long, intCurrent As Long
intExit = CLng(Format(Now(), "HHMMSS")) + 2
Do While intCurrent < intExit
intCurrent = CLng(Format(Now(), "HHMMSS"))

George A
-----Original Message-----
I'd like to display the elapsed time my routine takes (it's big and takes quite
a while). I can capture the start and stop times, but when I computer the
elapsed time, all I get is something like "-
2.31481481481555E-04". Does anyone

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