Components on the PocketPC




I'm starting to write for the Pocket PC. My first task is to translate
my current Windows components to Pocket components. Right on the
start, I can't reference a Windows component in my Pocket project, as
VS2005 is telling me.

My question: is it possible to have a common component project so that
I don't need two versions of the same code (one for the Windows, on for
the Pocket) ? For example, if I need to update the component, I don't
want to end up updating two times in two components that contains the
same code. I thought code re-use would be great since we're in .Net.
But it seems that the compact framework is not so close to the Windows

Thanks for the info,


Tim Wilson

If you compile the code against the compact framework then it will be
"retargeted" to the full framework when run on the desktop. So the trick is
to create the component as a smart device project and limit yourself to
classes, etc. that exist in both frameworks.

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