Complex Sorting Problem



I have student information on two sheets, attendance and testing information.
Students' names and numbers are only entered on the testing info. sheet, but
are referenced on the other sheet. Students' status is entered on the
attendance sheet and reference on the other. Just in case it would make it
any easier to sort, I've made the row numbers on both sheets the same for
each student.

Is there a way to group the two sheets and sort the rows simultaneously, so
the cell references don't get out of order? I would appreciate any advice on
this complicated sorting problem.

Here are the basic sheet setups
*Refers to sheet 1
**Refers to sheet 2

A B,C D...P Q
R S....IV
Number** Name** Attendence Sums Progress** Status Hours/Date

A B C,D E F........
Status* Number Name Progress TestingScores

Thank you for your help!


Hi Stacy,

It sounds like you have straight cell references like "=Sheet1!A1".
Have you had a look at the VLOOKUP function in Help? That would be the
place to start, as it also sounds like it can handle what you need to
do, so that your references don't get messed up.

I hope this is helpful,



Just to complicate things more, I forgot to mention the rows are first sorted
by status then by names.

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