Complex Formula Solution using Search and IF



I am using Office 2003 on Windows XP.

I need a spreadsheet formula I can write into the sheet from code that would
use the following logic, but I'm stumped. I would like to do this using a
single formula because it is really for another user and their sheet
structure demands it:

IF G6 LIKE "*FUTURE*" Then E6 * N6 * 10000
IF G6 LIKE "*SWAP*" Then E6 * N6 * 2500
IF G6 NOT LIKE "*FUTURE*" NOR LIKE "*SWAP*" Then blank (i.e. "")

I know in place of "LIKE" I need to use "Search", but I can't crack the
logic. Could someone please post a solution?

Thanks much in advance.

Bob Phillips



Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)


Thanks Bob, but I need wild card searching for both FUTURE and SWAP. For
example, the cell could contain: "EOM Swap" or "Swing Swap", etc. Your
formula works for "Swap" but not if the cell contains other characters...

Can you please help be a bit further?


Sorry for my previous post, I should not have doubted you, I had a typo. It
works great, thanks again!!!


Just a comment, interesting use of "IsNumber" rather than "IsErr" which is
what I was trying to use. "IsNumber" simplifies it a lot, I like it. Thanks!!!

Bob Phillips

You would have to use NOT(ISERR as you want to find a non-error.


Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)

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