Compile error: sub or function



The above error occurs when I attempt to select any of the check boxes
that are within this code.

Private Sub Check39_AfterUpdate()
If Check39 = True Then
CheckboxTrue 1
Else: CheckboxFalse 1
End Sub

I am using Access 2003. I've tried everything I could think. Can anyone
help on this?


Looks like you're missing an "End If"

Private Sub Check39_AfterUpdate()
If Check39 = True Then
CheckboxTrue 1
CheckboxFalse 1
End if
End Sub

Brendan Reynolds

Your code is attempting to call procedures named 'CheckboxTrue' and
'CheckboxFalse'. Have you written procedures by that name? If so, are they
declared in the same form module as the code that is attempting to call
them, or are they declared in another module? If the latter, are they
declared using the Public keyword?

When you get that problem solved, you'll find there's another error with
that code. You're missing the End If from your If ... Then ... Else ... End
If construct.

Here's an example of how working code might look ...

Private Sub Check39_AfterUpdate()

If Check39 = True Then
CheckboxTrue 1
Else: CheckboxFalse 1
End If

End Sub

Private Sub CheckboxTrue(ByVal aNumber As Long)
'do something here
End Sub

Private Sub CheckboxFalse(ByVal aNumber As Long)
'do something here
End Sub


I assume that CheckboxTrue and CheckboxFalse are functions that you are
trying to run and pass t them parameters, if so, Try

Private Sub Check39_AfterUpdate()
If Me.Check39 = True Then
CheckboxTrue 1
CheckboxFalse 1
End If
End Sub


And did a public function (see code below), but now it is telling me that it
cannot find the form Mothers_Information (Run time error 2450)

Public Function CheckBoxTrue(X As Integer)
Dim dbThe_Mothers_Circle As Database
Dim rstType As Recordset
Dim strSQl As String
Dim MCID As Integer
Dim Check As String

'adds mailing group number to recordset

MCID = Forms!Mothers_Information!MCID
strSQl = "SELECT * FROM Type_of_Participant_Info WHERE MCID = " & MCID
Set dbThe_Mothers_Circle = CurrentDb()
Set rstType = dbjoi.OpenRecordset(strSQl, dbOpenDynaset)
With rstType
.Fields("MCID") = MCID
.Fields("TypeID") = X
End With
End Function


I have few comments about the code

Public Function CheckBoxTrue(X As Integer)
'Change it to:
Dim dbThe_Mothers_Circle As Dao.Database
Dim rstType As Dao.Recordset
Dim strSQl As String
Dim MCID As Integer
Dim Check As String

'adds mailing group number to recordset
MCID = Forms!Mothers_Information!MCID
'About the error check again the Form name
strSQl = "SELECT * FROM Type_of_Participant_Info WHERE MCID = " & MCID
Set dbThe_Mothers_Circle = CurrentDb()

' You need to use the real database name that you defined
Set rstType = dbThe_Mothers_Circle.OpenRecordset(strSQl, dbOpenDynaset)
With rstType
' You realise that you trying to add the same record that
you filtered on? so if it the key you'll get duplicate error
.Fields("MCID") = MCID
.Fields("TypeID") = X
End With
End Function


' You need to use the real database name that you defined
Set rstType = dbThe_Mothers_Circle.OpenRecordset(strSQl, dbOpenDynaset

Isn't that what's there? What am I not getting here.


You had

Set rstType = dbjoi.OpenRecordset(strSQl, dbOpenDynaset)

Need to be changed to

Set rstType = dbThe_Mothers_Circle.OpenRecordset(strSQl, dbOpenDynaset)

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