Compile Error: Label not defined



I keep getting "Compile Error: Label not defined" for this function with "On
Error GoTo HandleError" highlighted. But I cannot find any syntax problems.
I'm probably missing something obvious...

Private Function saveRow() As Boolean
On Error GoTo HandleError
If Form.Dirty Then
Form.Dirty = False
End If

saveRow = True
End Function

MsgBox "The data you have entered does not meet the requirements for
this form. Please finish entering the data, or press ESC to undo your
entry.", vbExclamation
saveRow = False
End Function


Hey Heather, a couple of things:

Instead of End Function, try Exit Function and add a resume statement after
the error message. I also move the saveRow = True within the if statement.
Let me know if this works for you:

Private Function saveRow() As Boolean
On Error GoTo HandleError
If Form.Dirty Then
Form.Dirty = False
saveRow = True
End If

Exit Function

MsgBox "The data you have entered does not meet the requirements for
this form. Please finish entering the data, or press ESC to undo your
entry.", vbExclamation
saveRow = False
Resume Exit_Save

End Function


Hi, Heather.

You have "End Function" in the middle of your function, instead of "Exit
Function" to terminate the function early. For example:

saveRow = True
Exit Function


MsgBox "The data you have entered does not meet the requirements for
this form. Please finish entering the data, or press ESC to undo your
entry.", vbExclamation
saveRow = False
End Function


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