Comparing records in tables


Phil Hood


How do you compare two tables to identify records that
are in one but not the other?

For example, how would I compare tblEmployee with
tblAssets to identify any employees who do not have
assets? (Both tables contain the field employeeID)

In case it is important, one employee can have many
assets (e.g. phone, laptop, PDA etc.)

Any help gratefully received.

Thanks Phil.

Douglas J. Steele

Try the Find Unmatched Query Wizard. Create a new query, select that option
from the choices you're given and follow the instructions.

Graham R Seach


There's a wizard to do just that.

Select the Queries tab on the Database Window. Then select [Find Unmatched
Query Wizard] and click OK. Follow the prompts the realise your goal.

Graham R Seach
Microsoft Access MVP
Sydney, Australia

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