Compare Name, Zip in Seperate Tables



I have two seperate customer tables and the only way we can identify overlap
is where First Name ( first 3 characters using LEFT([First Name], 3) ), Last
Name and Zip are all equal. The tables are designed as:

Account Number (seperate naming conventions)
First Name
Last Name

When I use *WHERE Table1.First Name = Table2.First Name, etc. my results are
what I assume are to few. Is there a better way? Thanks.


Your statement below -- WHERE Table1.First Name = Table2.First Name -- did
not compare the first three charaters of the first name like you have
mentioned. To do that use -- WHERE Left([Table1].[First Name],3) =
Left([Table2].[First Name],3)

You might also try comparing just last and Zip for those cases where you
might have Bill Jones in one and William Jones in the other.

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