Compare members of two groups



Is there a way of comparing the members of two global
security in an AD environment? The sort of information I
am after is who is a member of Group A and Group B. Is
there something that can be done with VBScript?

Pegasus \(MVP\)

Brian said:
Is there a way of comparing the members of two global
security in an AD environment? The sort of information I
am after is who is a member of Group A and Group B. Is
there something that can be done with VBScript?

You could try this batch file:

@echo off

if "%2"=="" goto Error

pushd %temp%
call :Assemble %1
call :Assemble %2
call :Compare %1 %2
type Common.txt

goto :eof
if exist %1.* del %1.*
net group %1 | more +6 | find /i /v "successfully" > %1.1
for /F "tokens=1-3" %%a in (%1.1) do (
echo %%a >> %1.2
if not "%%b"=="" echo %%b >> %1.2
if not "%%c"=="" echo %%c >> %1.2
goto :eof
echo. > Common.txt
echo Users common to %1 and %2 >> Common.txt
echo ------------------------------ >> Common.txt
for /F %%a in (%1.2) do type %2.2 | find /i "%%a" >>common.txt
goto :eof
echo Usage: Group.bat GroupA GroupB


That's great thanks. However, can you think of a way of
doing this without net group, as this can only be executed
on a domain controller. I want to be able to run this from
any workstation.


Pegasus \(MVP\)

Your assumption is incorrect. The command "net group"
can be executed on any workstation:

net group SomeGroupName /domain


-----Original Message-----
Your assumption is incorrect. The command "net group"
can be executed on any workstation:

net group SomeGroupName /domain
That's great, thanks!

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