Compare dates



1- How can I compare various dates in Access query. For example, I have a
"purchase date", "sold date", with which i want to compare with a "start
date" and "end date". The date format is dd/mm/yy. Can this comparison be
done in 1 condition; i.e start date < purchase date < end date,..
2- Can date comparison be put in an IIF statement in a query, because i
always get #error when I use it.

Michel Walsh

Sure, but if the field name has spaces in it, you must use [ ] around it.

iif( [start date] < [pourchase date] , "yo!", "arrrg!" )

if you use more than one condition, use something like:

iif( [start date] < [purchase date] AND [delivery date] < [end
date] , "All is fine", "We have a problem boss" )

Vanderghast, Access MVP

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