Compare date, when date is today, change other fields



I have a task tracking database. When a task is on hold, say for a week, the
fields would be be set up like this...
[Assigned_to] To Be Assigned
[Status] Hold
[Priority] Hold
[Due Date] e.g. a week from today

When the [Assigned_to] field is "To Be Assigned", I need it to compare the
dates so that when the [Due date] = today it will automatically change the
fields to
[Assigned_To] Linda
[Status] Assigned
[Priority] URGENT
[Due Date] to today

Do I need to do a query for this, or can I somehow code the field to perform
this comparison and changes?

Thank you!!


You need to use an update query and have criteria for the [Due Date] field
like this --
Have the query run from a macro named Autoexec so that any time the database
is opened it checks. By using <= it checks if past due as the date could
be set for a holiday.

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