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Satya Nanduri

I use Excel 2003. I am doing a detailed analysis to make a "make or buy"
decision. I have a table containing columns QUANTITIES - BUYING COST -
MAKING COST. Data run into sevaral rows according to buying quantites and
related costs. I need to find out the "QUANTIES WHERE BUYING COST IS LOWER
THAN MAKING COST" to help my boss to decide at what quanties it is economical
to start buying.

I tried VLOOKUP / HLOOKUP /IF etc. nothing worked. I will be grateful if
any body help me to solve this problem?

Satya Nanduri


If you put this formula in D2:


and copy down, then you can apply autofilter to column D and select
"Yes" from the filter pull-down.

Hope this helps.


Satya Nanduri

Thanks for this. This is an idea, but doesn't answer my question. I am
looking for a formula in one cell that changes dynamically when the source
data changes.
Satya Nanduri

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