Compare 2 columns for unique values


Jim Gregg


I am wondering if someone could offer some assistance. I have 2 columns
in a worksheet. The two columns are lists of server names. I would like
to compare the list in column A and Column B and either output or
highlight unique values. I basically need to figure out what column A
is missing from column B and vice versa. I appreciate any help anyone
can offer. Thank you.

Jim Gregg


Hi Jim

Not sure if there is a unique function that would help, but here are a
couple of ways (as usual there is normally more then one way of doing

1. Import each list into Access as seperate tables and run an unmatched

2. the follwoing code will loop down one list checking for a match, you
could then do the same for the second list.

intCompare = 0

For Each r In Range("CheckList1")
a = UCase(r.Value)
b = UCase(r.Offset(0, 2).Value)

For Each s In Range("CheckList2")
c = UCase(s.Offset(0, 9).Value)
d = UCase(s.Offset(0, 10).Value)
If b = c And a = d Then
intCompare = 2
strCaseID = s.Value
r.Offset(0, 3).Value = intCompare
r.Offset(0, 4).Value = strCaseID
intCompare = 0
strCaseID = ""
Exit For
End If
Next s
Next r

Hope this helps

Tom Ogilvy

in column C, put in a formula like

In C1 put in
=if(Countif($B:$B,A1)=0,"Unique to A","")

In D1 put in
=if(countif($A:$A,B1)=0,"Unique to B","")

Select C1:D1 and drag fill down

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