Commented codes still affect the program



I have a problem; I hope someone can help me. I have MS Visual c++ 2003. I notice that the compiler is acting up. If I comment a
block of code (For example if I use // ..or /* .... */), this commented
block can still affecting the program. I have to delete or cut the whole
block of commented code in order to prevent such effect. I remember I had
the problem before and someone from this newsgroup helped me to fix it.
If I remember correctly he talked about something like out of Sync.

John Bundy

On your menu, click build and Clean 'solution name' then build solution.
Clean gets rid of all the binary and intermediate files making sure the next
build is current. Hope that works.


Thanks John,

But I tried that and is not working. I remember that there was some kind of
set up.

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