Comment BUG- selecting cells on other worksheets



Have discovered a VERY annoying little bug, and was wondering if any of
you gurus knows a work around or a fix.

Say you have two worksheets, A and B with a comment in a cell on sheet
B. That comment is visable, and an arrow goes from the cell to the

if you want a cell on sheet A to reference a cell on sheet B which is
within an invisible box bounded by the arrow and the comment box, then
you cannot simply use the mouse cursor to select that cell ... you have
to either type the cell name in manually or select a cell outside that
invisible box and use the arrow keys to scroll to the cell you want to

This is odd because there are no issues if you want to make the same
reference on the same sheet as the comment, it only occurs if you are
making intersheet references.

Hopefully that is clear, and you can duplicate the bug, let me know if
it is not, and I might try and attach an example file or something.

Any ideas?


I'm not sure I understand; but, you can always click the comment box,
move the cursor to the hatched boundary and drag the box to another


Yeah no you didn't understand ... my fault.

Ok here is a screen shot - Let's say I have 2 sheets, Ex1 and Ex2 as in
the screen shot ...

On Ex2 there is a comment (as shown)

let's say I have a formula on sheet Ex1 that I want to be 2 times the
value in cell E15 on sheet Ex2. I type "=2*" in the cell on sheet Ex1
and then click on cell Ex2 and try to select Cell E15 ... I can't,
infact I cant select any cell in the range C7:G27 because of the

Yes I could just move the comment, but I don't want to do that, and if
I do, I would just make other cells "non selectable"

As I said, this only occurs if trying to reference cells intersheets.

Is that clearer? Perhaps try it yourself and you might understand what
I am getting at.

|Filename: ss.JPG |
|Download: |


I tried it - you're right. Only suggestion is to turn COMMENTS off from
the "VIEW" menu until finished with cell references...


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