Comment Box!!



Hi I'm currently working on a database, basically I have a combo box
which lists three values "Trial", "Normal" and "Exeptional". When the
user clicks on "Exeptional" a Comment Box (standard text box) should
appear, however when they click on "Trial" or Normal" or when the form
is loaded then the Comment Box should stay hidden.

I'm using the following code

Private Sub BINPROCESSScrapNature_AfterUpdate()

If [Nature] = 2 Then
[Comment].Visible = False
If [Nature] = 1 Then
[Comment].Visible = False
If [Nature] = 3 Then
[Comment].Visible = True
End If
End If
End If

End Sub

Unfortunatly this code is not giving what i'm after. When I click on
"Normal" the comment box dissapears but when I click on "Trial" or
"Exeptional" nothing happens

Any suggestions??



Not sure how you're numbers relate to the item in the list, but I
would try it as such...

Select Case Me!Nature
Case 1, 2
Me!Comment.Visible = False
Case 3
Me!Comment.Visible = True
End Select

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