Commands for XP-created start up disk



To cut a long story short,I can't start Windows because
C_850.nls is missing or corrupted.

The cdrom I purchased with the computer is no help in
this situation-I have no means of running "repair" as

I made an MS DOS floppy.Have opened up the command line.

DIR displays a list of files.I am utterly clueless as to
what I am supposed to do next.

As you can see,I have internet access on a second
computer running XP.The two P.C.s are not networked.(So I
can't reboot from the second computer)

I don't mind doing a reformat or clean-reinstall.All my
data is backed up,and burned onto disks.

Reckon it'd be fun to learn a bit of DOS.

Can anyone help?

Many Thanks,


Maurice N

hello Sadie,

Replies somewhat in-line.
To cut a long story short,I can't start Windows because
C_850.nls is missing or corrupted.
Have you tried to restart XP in *Safe Mode*? (Tap & retap F8 Function key while pc is booting up)
The cdrom I purchased with the computer is no help in
this situation-I have no means of running "repair" as
The CD is a retail version of XP or is this only a "recovery CD" from the pc-vendor? What does it read on this CD?
What brand or make of pc?
I made an MS DOS floppy.Have opened up the command line.

A DOS diskette is useless if your XP "file system" uses NTFS system. "Only if" your system uses FAT32 for storing files will dos be useful (and then maybe).

DIR displays a list of files.I am utterly clueless as to
what I am supposed to do next.

Are you doing a plain "DIR" or "DIR A:" ?? Did you try "DIR C:" ?
As you can see,I have internet access on a second
computer running XP.The two P.C.s are not networked.(So I
can't reboot from the second computer)
Even if they were networked, you could not boot XP from 1 to the other.



Thanks for the quick response.

The CD is a Windows XP set up disk from the P.C vendor.

DIR C: brings up an Invalid drive specification
notice,but,as you said yourself,my drive is NTFS,so,I'm
guessing it's no use perservering with the DOS start up
UNLESS,there's a way of using it to recognise the rom
drive-I'm in the dark,really.
I am going to try copying some files from this machine
onto a floppy,as specified in various web pages.You can
create an autoexe floppy thing-a-me.

At least I'm learning something!

When I've got it off pat,I'll comeback and share!!


-----Original Message-----
hello Sadie,

Replies somewhat in-line.

Have you tried to restart XP in *Safe Mode*? (Tap &
retap F8 Function key while pc is booting up)
The CD is a retail version of XP or is this only
a "recovery CD" from the pc-vendor? What does it read on
this CD?
What brand or make of pc?

A DOS diskette is useless if your XP "file system" uses
NTFS system. "Only if" your system uses FAT32 for
storing files will dos be useful (and then maybe).

Maurice N

Sadie said:

Thanks for the quick response.

The CD is a Windows XP set up disk from the P.C vendor.

DIR C: brings up an Invalid drive specification
notice,but,as you said yourself,my drive is NTFS,so,I'm
guessing it's no use perservering with the DOS start up
UNLESS,there's a way of using it to recognise the rom
drive-I'm in the dark,really.
I am going to try copying some files from this machine
onto a floppy,as specified in various web pages.You can
create an autoexe floppy thing-a-me.

At least I'm learning something!

When I've got it off pat,I'll comeback and share!!



Did you try tapping F8 Function key to get to startup options? To try booting into Safe Mode, or even Safe mode with command prompt?
Because if so, you can likely replace that ".NLS" file.

Further, look again on label of your XP CD. Need to find out what it reads. The label title & such.
Which pc vendor is this?



Quick update.Have managed to get into the Windows XP set
up.Booted eventually from the cdrom.
However,set up keeps restarting,as during the course of
the struggle,I'd put it in safe mode.

Keep getting the message "set up cannot continue in safe

How do I get it out of safe mode now?

Yes,by tapping F8,I can bring up the boot order.The
floppy I created from ntldr, and boot.ini
didn't seem to help,aside from enabling me to boot from
the cdrom.

Got all night,I don't mind starting again,but if all I
need do is boot in normal mode it would epedite matters.

Is there a way of taking it out of safe mode at this

Thanks so much for your patience!

-----Original Message-----

Did you try tapping F8 Function key to get to startup
options? To try booting into Safe Mode, or even Safe
mode with command prompt?
Because if so, you can likely replace that ".NLS" file.

Further, look again on label of your XP CD. Need to
find out what it reads. The label title & such.


OH! Maurice!

It's O.K.I didn't do anything,and it somehow sorted
itself out!

Am now into the installation process!

Fully expecting that I'll be in need of further
assistance.I mean,that was too easy to be true!



Ah...just as I'd suspected!

Windows XP pro is now fully installed.However,this-blink-
of-an-eye-and-it-all-vanishes BIOS screen is still
in "safe mode"

Have tried pressing F8-all that does is ask me whether I
want to boot from a floppy,cdrom.I can't seem to get into
the "advanced" menu.

Is this where the previously mentioned XP-created MS DOS
start up disk would help?

Sorry to be so ignorant.I'm amazed I got to this stage!



Wesley Vogel

Try this:
Start | Run | Type: msconfig | OK
On the General tab | Is Normal Startup checked?
Can you check it? | Apply | OK
You will have to reboot.

Maurice N

Sadie said:
Ah...just as I'd suspected!

Windows XP pro is now fully installed.However,this-blink-
of-an-eye-and-it-all-vanishes BIOS screen is still
in "safe mode"

Have tried pressing F8-all that does is ask me whether I
want to boot from a floppy,cdrom.I can't seem to get into
the "advanced" menu.

Is this where the previously mentioned XP-created MS DOS
start up disk would help?

Sorry to be so ignorant.I'm amazed I got to this stage!


IF you are in Windows Safe mode, press the Start button, press Turn off, and on Next screen, select Restart.
Otherwise, restart the pc and it should get into (regular) (normal) Windows.


Thank you both for your help.Earlier by some flook,I did
manage to alter the setting on that flash AMIBIOS screen.


Actually,some rather interesting facts came to light.All
the software drivers that were included with the P.C. (on
the motherboard cd rom)date from 2000.Most of them are
designed for Windows 98.
Looks like I'll be updating those,tomorrow,then.

It's worth adding that I purchased the new P.C. on
Christmas Eve 2003!!Not even one month ago.

Ah well,at least I have this trusty H.P.Pentium II
recycled old blunderbuss...built using componants from

A fun day,all in all.Back up your important data and
files,and you have nothing to fear from a clean re-

I will post the URLs of the sites which were most helpful
in this matter.

Black Viper gave by far the most logical strategy,once
I'd managed to get into the blue-screen windows set up.

Getting there was rather hit and miss!

Bye for now,will look up the addresses and post them in
the morning.




I had the same problem, I solved by installing Windows 98 SE afte
formating the HD in Fat, the I installed windows XP (update) an
everything is working


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