commandline argument in excel 2003



I want to pass command line argument to to the VBA code in EXCEL 2003. I
cannot use Command() or COmmand$().

Kindly suggest how should i go about it?



From "Microsoft Visual Basic Help":

"The Visual Basic Command function is not available in Microsoft Office

So forget about the command() function.

You might have to consider using Office Automation.
If you are familar with visual basic you can do automation with Windows
Scripting Host:
- create a Windows Scripting Host file that creates an excel application
- call the run method on the object passing the macro name that you want to
execute + command line arguments

Something like this:

' ---------------------------
' automate.vbs
' ---------------------------
Dim app, wb, args

Set args = WScript.Arguments
Set app = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set wb = app.Workbooks.Open("c:\myfile.xls")

app.Run "Module1.MyMacro", args(0)

Set wb = Nothing
Set excel = Nothing
' ---------------------------

Try calling automate.vbs from command line prompt, e.g.
c:\> automate.vbs param1 param2

Hope this helps -- arunkhemlai
(e-mail address removed)

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