Command Prompt command


Sue Michele

For the life of me I can't remember how to display ALL of
the drives and their sizes from a DOS prompt (including a
Linux drive, which doesn't show up in Windows). Anyone

I want to see how big the Linux drive is in preparation
for a reformat and unpartitioning to make the XP drive


Sue Michele


Sue said:
For the life of me I can't remember how to display ALL of
the drives and their sizes from a DOS prompt (including a
Linux drive, which doesn't show up in Windows). Anyone

fdisk /status

I dont recall tho how that report a NTFS partition.

Sue Michele

-----Original Message-----

fdisk /status

I dont recall tho how that report a NTFS partition.

Nope, that's not working. :-(

How else can I do this? I want to find out exactly how
big the whole drive is.

Keith Miller

Look up "diskpart" in help & support


Sue Michele said:
Nope, that's not working. :-(

How else can I do this? I want to find out exactly how
big the whole drive is.

Torgeir Bakken (MVP)

Sue said:
For the life of me I can't remember how to display ALL of
the drives and their sizes from a DOS prompt (including a
Linux drive, which doesn't show up in Windows). Anyone

I want to see how big the Linux drive is in preparation
for a reformat and unpartitioning to make the XP drive


Put this vbscript in a .vbs file and see if it is what you want:

strComputer = "." ' use "." for local computer
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer _
& "\root\cimv2")
Set colDiskDrives = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select * from Win32_DiskDrive")

For Each objDiskDrive In colDiskDrives
Wscript.Echo "Size (GB): " & FormatNumber(objDiskDrive.Size/1024/1024/1024)


Enumerate Physical Disk Properties


Sue said:
Nope, that's not working. :-(

Seriously? Are you sure you booted to dos? You need a dos bootdisk to do
so if you have XP but I assumed you knew what dos is.

Alex Nichol

Sue said:
Nope, that's not working. :-(

How else can I do this? I want to find out exactly how
big the whole drive is.

In XP, Control Panel - Admin Tools - Computer Management, select Disk
Management and look lower right for the graphic of the drive. It will
show you the division into partitions, with sizes of each. Things like
Linux ones will show as 'Healthy - Unknown'

Sue Michele

-----Original Message-----

Seriously? Are you sure you booted to dos? You need a dos bootdisk to do
so if you have XP but I assumed you knew what dos is.

Well now I feel stupid! Duh! I forgot you have to boot
to DOS to do this and not just go to the command prompt.
Like I said, it's been quite a while since I screwed with
this. I'd better find some instructions for reformatting
because I *know* I'm not going to remember everything!


Also, Alex's solution does the trick too, without

Both go into my files.

Sue Michele

-----Original Message-----

In XP, Control Panel - Admin Tools - Computer Management, select Disk
Management and look lower right for the graphic of the drive. It will
show you the division into partitions, with sizes of each. Things like
Linux ones will show as 'Healthy - Unknown'

Thanks, Alex!

Interesting, I see not two, but three, "Healthy - Unknown"

The smaller one should be the boot drive, but I have no
idea whatsoever why I created *two* others. Well, doesn't
matter so much; I'm gonna reformat them and get rid of the
partitions anyway....

Thanks again!

Alex Nichol

Sue said:
Interesting, I see not two, but three, "Healthy - Unknown"

The smaller one should be the boot drive, but I have no
idea whatsoever why I created *two* others. Well, doesn't
matter so much; I'm gonna reformat them and get rid of the
partitions anyway....

Guess - on the basis of how I set up Linux - , they are for the /
[root], /swap and /user or possibly /home nodes of Linux

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