Command line tool to change file creation date?


Mike B

I want to be able to change a file's creation date attribute from the command

I know there are tools out there to do this, but they seem to be shareware
(e.g. DirDate).

I can't imagine that there isn't a way to do this natively in Vista,
though... so is there? Can't be an uncommon thing to want to do as a Vista



Mike B

Thanks, Ronnie. It's a shame that the 'Touch' command works only with
US-format dates, and that there isn't a simple switch you can use to change
the behaviour, but at the price this guy is charging I can't complain ;-)

The only reason this bothers me slightly is that I'm getting my dates from a
cataloging program that output non-US-format dates, so I will need to write a
line or two of VBS code to convert from US to non-US format before sending
them to 'Touch'... being a VBS novice I'm heading from google for some help...



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