Command line Shutdown for DC

  • Thread starter Francisco Casco
  • Start date

Francisco Casco

Hello i have a domain with 3 w2k servers and all connected tu a UPS that has
a serial cable tu the master browser of the domain (Trinity). I want to shut
down the other domain controllers (Neo) and (Smith) by a local process
activated by the ups service on Trinity. Is this possible, can i do it by a
command line or can i create a bat file to do the trick?
Thanks in advanced...


Dave Patrick

Possibilities include;
shutdown.exe from the Windows 2000 resource kit.

psshutdown from sysinternals

'0 Log Off
'4 Forced Log Off
'1 Shutdown
'5 Forced Shutdown
'2 Reboot
'6 Forced Reboot
'8 Power Off
'12 Forced Power Off
Const SHUTDOWN = 1
strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts: {(Shutdown)}" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colOperatingSystems = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem")
For Each objOperatingSystem in colOperatingSystems


Dave Patrick ....Please no email replies - reply in newsgroup.
Microsoft MVP [Windows NT/2000 Operating Systems]

| Hello i have a domain with 3 w2k servers and all connected tu a UPS that
| a serial cable tu the master browser of the domain (Trinity). I want to
| down the other domain controllers (Neo) and (Smith) by a local process
| activated by the ups service on Trinity. Is this possible, can i do it by
| command line or can i create a bat file to do the trick?
| Thanks in advanced...
| Francisco


In addition to the file Mr. Patrick mentioned, there is also a "restart.vbs"
on Microsoft's FTP ( that
uses the cscript.exe executable.

Example: cscript restart.vbs /s /p /f (/s is the server
name; /p is poweroff and /f is to force the function).

I use this in the exact manner you want to use it. In a long power outage,
a 2200VA UPS runs the batch file shutting down three servers and a minute
later, shuts down the final server (where the UPS software resides).

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