Command line file/folder renamer


Romain Petges

Hi all,

I'm searching for a command line tool for XP to rename files and folders in
batch mode. Any suggestions ?

Best regards,

Romain Petges


First, Siren is really great, but a GUI application :-(

BK-Renamer should do the trick, I'll give it a try.

Another questions : Is there something out that can uppercase/lowercase
files and folders in batch mode, without a GUI (a console application)

Best regards,

Tom McDonald

Romain Petges said:
First, Siren is really great, but a GUI application :-(

BK-Renamer should do the trick, I'll give it a try.

Another questions : Is there something out that can uppercase/lowercase
files and folders in batch mode, without a GUI (a console application)

Best regards,

Would "Lower" and "Upper" suit your needs?
I haven't tried either of them.

As for BK-Renamer, there should be a way to do this, but I'm no regex
maven. You've heard the old joke:

"You have a problem, and you realize that it can be solved by using
regular expressions. So now you have two problems."

Good luck.

Romain Petges

Hi Tom,

YESSSS ! Thanks for the link !
As for BK-Renamer, there should be a way to do this, but I'm no regex
maven. You've heard the old joke:
"You have a problem, and you realize that it can be solved by using
regular expressions. So now you have two problems."

One problem is enough for the moment ;-) .... but I'll take a look at
regular expressions when I find some free time.

Thanks for your help !

Best regards,

Tom McDonald

Romain Petges said:
Hi Tom,

YESSSS ! Thanks for the link !

One problem is enough for the moment ;-) .... but I'll take a look at
regular expressions when I find some free time.

Thanks for your help !

Best regards,

You're welcome.


Romain said:
First, Siren is really great, but a GUI application :-(

BK-Renamer should do the trick, I'll give it a try.

Another questions : Is there something out that can
uppercase/lowercase files and folders in batch mode, without a GUI (a
console application)

i think lupas rename v.5 does the job. let's give a try and a look to the
chm help files

Romain Petges

i think lupas rename v.5 does the job. let's give a try and a look to the
chm help files

A great Windows app, but I needed a console app. Anyway, The apps posted by
Tom worked well.

Regards, Romain

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