Command button



Hi I am using access 2000 to create my database. I am trying to place
a command button on one form that will open up a second form, both
forms are based on a seperate table and they are linked in a one to
many relationship. For some reason the command button only opens up
the form when their is a linked record with data. I want it to open up
both then and, when their is no linked data, into a blank form for
Thanks in advance for you help,


what Action(s) does your command button run, and what is the Condition and
Action Arguments settings for each action? also, is the second form based
directly on a table, or on a query? if a query, are there any criteria
limiting the records to be displayed, and what are they?


Just a note on the nature of joins, since it may shed a little light on why
the only records appear are those having data on both sides of the join.

The default behavior of equal joins is to show only records where data
exists at both ends of the join. For examlple if Customers & Invoices tables
are joined on the CustomerID field, and you run a query showing fields from
both tables, it will by default show you only Customers that have Invoices,
essentially filtering out all Customers whose CustomerID does not appear in
the Invoices table (presumably becuase they have no invoices).

If you change the join type, you can manipulate whether you see all records
from one side and only matching records on the other (or vice versa). In
query view, right-click the join to see the options. In the above example,
one might show all Customers and only matching invoices. Thus, all customers
would show up at least once (more than once for those having multiple
invoices), but the invoice info would be blank for those having no invoices.

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