Command Button - Text



I am trying to to change the text value of a command button when clicked
within a PPT presentation.
ie. button currently says "Red", when clicked I would like to go to "500",
when clicked again " "

Eric Schmidt

It's a big of a workaround, but you might try Custom Animation and triggers.

To do so:
1. Go to the Animations tab, in the Animations group, and open the Custom
Animation task pane.
2. Select your command button.
3. In the Custom Animation task pane, click Add Effect, and select an Exit
effect. I recommend "Disappear."
4. Select the Exit effect in the Custom Animation task pane list. Point to
the arrow on the right side of the effect, and select Timing.
5. On the Timing tab, select Triggers. In the drop-down menu, select "On
Click" of your command button.
6. Copy and paste your command button. Edit the text to read "500."
7. Select your second command button on the slide and place it so that it
completely overlaps your first command button. (It should "cover up" the
8. In the Custom Animation task pane list, click Add Effect, and select an
Entrance effect. I would try "Appear."
9. Select this Entrance effect, point to Timing, and on the Timing tab, set
the trigger so that it is "On Click" of your first command button.
10. With that second command button select, in the Custom Animation task
pane, click Add Effect, and select another Exit effect ("Disappear").
12. Select this Exit effect in the Custom Animation task pane, select
Timing, and on the Timing tab, set the trigger so that it is "On Click" of
your second command button.

I hope that works for you!

ivor levene

Why can't I do this? When I select a command button, everything in the Custom Animation task pane is greyed out. If anything from the Control Toolbox is dropped onto the page, I cannot apply a trigger to it. I seem to have the choice of applying code to controls, or triggers to texboxes that were drawn on the page by using Insert>Textbox.

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