Command button problem



My command buttons (all of them) are having problems. Every time i click it i
get this message about Visual Basic:
"Error Accessing File. Network Connection may have been lost."
The thing is that I am on the network, this occures on every computer, and
has been for the last 2 days. Does anyone have any idea why this may be
occuring, or if there is anything i can try. I tried to redo the forms and
the coding and that doesn't seem to help so there may be soe kind of deeper
problem. Any ideas would be extremly helpful.



Are you running a split database with the back-end on the network server? If
so, close all open instances of the front end on each PC and then compact the
back-end. I would also recommend refreshing all linked tables in each front
end pc.

This may not be the solution to your problem but I have had something
similar happen to me with a similar error messaging and this seemed to work.




This sounds like a known bug that occurs in Access 2000. In can hapen if you
import any code (module, form, or report) into your application and then dont
immediately re-compile.

To fix this, open up a blank database and import all objects from the
database causing the errors (tables, forms, reports, modules, macros, pages,
queries). Immediately open up any module in design view.

Make sure the reference settings match the original (using tools -
references) Check any references that need to be added, and set the correct
order. (Often you will need to add the reference to Microsoft DAO 3.6).

Compile the database. (DeBug - Compile)

Your new application file should now work without causing the 'network
Connection' error.

You may want to do a knowledge base search on the error message. This is a
known bug in Access.

Jim B

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